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Everything posted by Chad

  1. Should've let LSU have Herman, they'd be 4th at best in the SEC West under his tutelage. He'll never turn Texas into an elite program. Herman has had at least one WTF game every season coaching here. In 2017 it was Maryland and Tech. In 2018 it was Maryland and Ok St in 2019 it was TCU and nearly KU.
  2. 3 National Championships. 12-3 in Bowl games 2-1 in the playoffs 7 conference championships. Ten top 10 finishes. Texas will hire some bum out of a g5 conference because clearly that's worked so well with these last two home run hires. Urban isn't a man of morals, but he wins. Would you rather win or continue to be the laughing stock of college football?
  3. 7-5. They will beat Iowa St and Tech losing to KSU and Baylor. Texas is back! Back to sucking shit through a straw.
  4. Tom Herman has never lost less than 4 games in a season coaching Texas. Guess what? That trend will continue. 7-5....holla!
  5. These pansy ass frauds better not be in the Top 25 when the new polls are released. They haven't beaten anyone worth a shit.
  6. This defense is AIDS. 3rd and long you have the opportunity to 3 and out give the offense plenty of time and of course TCU converts easily.
  7. I was referring to not hearing Eagles' name called and that Burt has logged a ton of snaps in his place.
  8. Squandered that turnover with prime field position. 17-10 would've been nice right about now, Dicker couldn't even hit a chip shot.
  9. The 2018 OU defense is back!
  10. I noticed the size of this game thread and figured OU had to be losing, it warmed my heart to see OU down by double digits. If K State blows them out their playoff hopes go bye bye.
  11. If it's true that Shep is the player getting in the ears of Eaton and Princely steering them away that's just downright toxic as fuck. When it boils down to it Princely and Eaton are barely 4 star players, they won't make or break this class, but it's a fucked up situation if it's true that he's deterring recruits and potential recruits from playing for Texas.
  12. This is one of the most awkward movie promos I've ever watched.
  13. LMAO! Cry about the refs more you loser. New England's stout defense is going to make that little bitch cry.
  14. Clippers are winning it all this season. They're squashing their competition with Paul George injured. They have the best bench in the NBA and a stout perimeter defense. Lou Williams continues to be one of the most explosive scorers coming off the bench. I just can't see any scenario where a West team can topple them in a best of 7 series and whatever team from the east that rises to the top of the scrap heap won't stand a chance it'll be a 4-1 kind of series.
  15. Bennett was fairly effective in the scheme initially, but something was going on behind the scenes that led to a decrease in his snap count. It's not a significant loss, New England always has a surplus of draft picks from wheeling and dealing. Do you believe losing a 5th rounder is going to keep them out of the AFC championship in the near future? It really doesn't make a shit. https://www.patspulpit.com/2019/10/25/20931788/new-england-patriots-trade-michael-bennett-dallas-cowboys-win-for-all-parties-involved
  16. It's a win for both teams. The Patriots rid themselves of a shit stain malcontent who was nothing more than depth on a historically good defense and the Cowboys acquire someone who may give them a bit of production for a 6th or 7th rounder who tend to end up on a practice squad or cut. You have to wonder if Dallas can keep Bennett in check? New England has been known for handling players with character concerns in the past, but even they gave up on Bennett after a short period of time.
  17. It's his 4th change of scenery in less than two years. He is who he is, a piece of shit. Always has been and always will be. New England has no tolerance for malcontents.
  18. The only change I feel is necessary on the offensive side of the ball is to cut ties with Mehringer. Beck has a checkered history, but can you justify firing an OC when the team averages 41PPG ? The defense is where the majority of the shit stink is originating from. Orlando, Washington and Naivar should all be dismissed. Giles has coached up some good players in the past, do you blame the d-line coach or the personnel for the lack of production on the d-line this season? Or is it just a schematic issue?
  19. Can we work out a deal with the Canes to ship off Orlando to Miami to be paired with another failed Texas DC? Iaz and Orlando can scheme up the most complex and ineffective defense known to college football. The players will look as if they're partaking in a cluster fuck of a Chinese fire drill even more so than they ever did in the past under the tutelage of Iaz and Orlando and the best part is we won't have to watch it. I'm to the point where slamming my dick in the door is more appealing than watching Orlando's cluster fuck of a defense. Orlando's defense is literally the worst of any P5 team and it's unwatchable.
  20. It was on the road, pitted against a team with an 18 game home losing streak.
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