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Everything posted by lateshow

  1. They're afraid that you'll be shamed by the copious amounts of queso and molten chocolate cake that you've ordered.
  2. The problem became him trying to play that part in every movie in which he was cast.
  3. Mr Sunshine on my goddamn shoulders, John Denver
  4. Maybe I was drunk when watching previous episodes, but we didn't see how Dorothy died right?
  5. Now it's your neighbor's problem.
  6. Hocus Pocus Yes, my life is very exciting.
  7. Doesn't that describe us all though?
  8. I've got the last 3 episodes piled up on my DVR. Figure I'll get around to watching them eventually.
  9. Hmmmm.....Interdasting. Maybe I'm a simpleton, but I'm gonna guess that someone is going to use it to try blackmail him.
  10. Holy shit! Todd Latourette? He was a kicker for Arkansas in the 90s. http://www.arenafan.com/players/Todd_Latourette-2265/
  11. I just caught up on Season 2. It took me awhile to really get into, but man it's gotten really good the last few episodes. One thing, though. What is the point in having Goldman being a closeted homosexual? Is that going to come into play or is it just a pointless sub plot?
  12. I'd love to see Zellner rip Kratz apart in trial. That fat ass would be so intimidated he'd piss himself.
  13. lateshow

    Fuck Cancer

    I don't know if there is already a thread by this title. If there is, sorry, but I don't give a shit right now. One of my best friends, Charlie, was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 rectal cancer that has metastasized to his liver. He's got two kids, son 7 and a daughter 3. We coach youth baseball together, our wives are friends, and our sons are friends. We play travel USSSA baseball, so we spend a substantial amount of time together. One weekend he was fine, his usual fiery self, two days later he sends us a text of his diagnosis. All that said, he's at MD Anderson today and for the next 7 days at least. He's meeting with the doctors today to do scans and get a plan of action. Any prayers and good thoughts would be greatly appreciated for Charlie and his family.
  14. Not embarrassing in the least. Like Tony Soprano said, "When it comes to daughters, all bets are off."
  15. I'm not an expert, but I think they can tweak the syrup to water ratio and maybe most places just don't give a shit to get it just right. I agree that they suck more often than they don't. They can either tweak the syrup to water and carbonation ratio, clean the lines, or always be sure to be serving syrup that is still in date. The nozzles also need to be cleaned on the dispenser. Those things get disgusting. *I used to work for Coca Cola.
  16. Was Medici cancelled? I'd always consider it, but never watched it.
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