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Everything posted by Txzen

  1. Txzen


    The rains have really messed with the north side (my favorite as well). You can't go wrong with Princeville, though I prefer to VRBO in Hanalei. That said, there has been two storms/floods in the past few years which have dramatically reshaped the Hanalei Bay area, and north. I'm not sure the road all the way to Tunnels/Ke'e is open for tourism yet. Speaking of Ke'e, which is lovely, parking has always been a CF, with very limited availability. Apparently after the last flood, they decided to implement a large redevelopment plan. From my read, I think it will improve some conditions (walkways so that you don't have to walk on the side of the road), but reduce overall the parking available for visitors. Might want to understand exactly what the road and beach conditions are when you are planning to go so you aren't surprised. Park redevelopment info Kauai flooding
  2. Txzen


    If you make the trek to Haleakela, stop by the Pukalani Superette to grab lunch on the drive up. I'm of the opinion that some of the best food in Hawaii can be found at the smaller grocery stores - top notch poke, and all sorts of hot pre-cooked dishes. Even the large grocery stores have good stuff. But Pukalani has a particularly great selection of poke.
  3. I don't believe those fell down due to the bump. Looks like a controlled detonation to me.
  4. Some good information here. A few notes. Fleet Week (usually the first week in October) is often the tail end of the little glorious weather we get in SF. September is usually great. June/July can be quite the experience for those not realizing what they are in for as it can be colder than it is in winter. Fog will move in after 2p with wind. Dress in layers!. I think I might like the location around the Embarcadero (such as the Hotel Vitale mentioned) for a few reasons. It's not as touristy as the Fisherman's Wharf area where everyone eventually wants to end up, and the Ferry Building has a lot of nice food. You're not far away from the Wharf, walking distance to the great Exploratorium, and also close enough to the Union Square area. Bonus points for renting bikes, biking from the Embarcadero over the bridge and then taking the ferry back from Sausalito. Highly recommend the Cal Academy of Sciences in GGP - outside of the Monterey Bay Aquarium, it's one of the nicest I've been to out here. The rest of the museum is nice as well, plus there are other things in the Park (bike rental, gardens, etc). Note that there's a great, and free, observatory on top of the de Young which is right by the Science museum. 15+ years out here and I've not gone to Muir Woods, mostly because it's super crowded and there are other options. But note that they now require reservations, and you must also take a shuttle in. From what I hear, you might want to book those tix now. : https://www.nps.gov/muwo/planyourvisit/index.htm Old School Cal-Italian? Tadich Grill. Yet another reason to stay near the Embarcadero. Depending on your boys, there's a few activities in the Crissy Field area which could be worthwhile https://planetgranite.com/sf/hours-and-directions/ https://houseofair.com/ Combine those two with a short walk/exploration to Fort Point I would recommend Alcatraz as well, though again you might want to think about booking now. Slots will definitely sell out during the summer months quickly.
  5. I admit I'm out on a limb here, but I always thought that the Lego Movie had much more to it - some real commentary on the nature of play and imagination. I thought Spiderverse was right with it. The art direction was just great - truly making a comic book come to life. The final boss scene is epic, and just beautifully done. Love the the meta message that anyone can be Spiderman.
  6. She hinted at having done some bad things in her past. She always wanted to be a writer. She became a famous one for publishing the account of the crime.
  7. Public parking garage. Said the attendant was screaming at her but she didn’t know what the fuss was about so she kept driving. The thing lives on our small SUV this time of year because of ski season. We’re literally going to buy a used POS mountain car so I can keep this stuff on the roof without fear that she’ll forget it’s there. Money well spent. No more ulcers.
  8. Terrible indeed, but he wasn’t a random tourist. One of the ‘three most important sports book owners in Costa Rica”. Story
  9. Let's see, San Bruno, the 2017 fires, the 2018 Camp Fire to start with (to say nothing of the whole groundwater/Erin Brockovich saga).
  10. Some real high points covered here. I like Fishwife in Pacific Grove - it's better than the menu suggests. Not fancy, but solid seafood. A little more upscale is Passionfish. I'm a fan of Pacific Grove in general, as it's just slightly less traveled than Carmel - at least a different crowd. The Aquarium is world-class, and huge - it can take a good chunk of the day to visit, but is highly worth it.
  11. I suck at embedding videos : Killer whales surround swimmer
  12. http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/animals/killer-whales-surround-new-zealand-woman-in-stunning-drone-footage/news-story/203064089c7c45e4033995181bc325e6#
  13. http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/animals/killer-whales-surround-new-zealand-woman-in-stunning-drone-footage/news-story/203064089c7c45e4033995181bc325e6#
  14. Dang, that's way too soon. Going to miss his coverage, as I often have his voice and phrases in my head when I'm pushing it: he's on the rivet, throwing the cat amongst the pigeons, suitcase full of courage, etc. Yes, over the years they got a little repetitive, but for me he's been the voice of the Tour all these years. By all accounts, a really nice guy as well. RIP.
  15. Oh come on, that would assume that he's a thin-skinned vindictive...oh. Never mind.
  16. His job is "writing" those Zagat "review" digests. It can be "hard" to "make adjustments" when typing in his "free time".
  17. Triggered. edit: apologies as it was so infuriating I didn't make it through the other posts to see that I wasn't alone.
  18. Even with no one in his face Patterson throws short off his back foot. Edit : it was Milton, but same problem.
  19. That’ll induce both a migraine and an esophageal spasm.
  20. Cal-Stanford cancelled. The last time that happened it was after the assassination of JFK. https://www.sfgate.com/collegesports/article/Big-Game-postponed-for-first-time-in-55-years-13399490.php
  21. Smoke. From the fires. Northern California now has the worst air quality in the world, thanks to wildfire smoke
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