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Everything posted by Grandioso

  1. I've been messing around with the "create a body" at Warmouth over the past couple days and roasted ash with a transparent color finish awesome. And you can actually select your block of wood for some extra coin. This one is money.
  2. This is a modern pedal but damn that is some 80's shit. Y'all know what game that's from, right? I posted this earlier - another modern pedal that pays incredible homage to the 80's. The synthesizer stepped on all the guitarist's toes in the 80's. Neil Young made an electronic music record! Remember? Basically metal, post-punk, and glam/hair bands had to carry the guitar torch until the guitar recaptured the throne. But now it's like fuck it, I'll just play synth on my guitar. Like a lot of these pedals, the Memory Man came out in the late 70's but really took hold in the 80's. For analog delay, it was this and the DM-2. Maybe the Ibanez whatever that delay was. I picked the memory man because it had/has those cool modulations and you could do this stuff: So that's your analog delay. And this here's your digital delay. Ok, we get it BOSS, you're good at electronics. Sheesh! The was the first mass produced, compact digital delay. Feels like 1983, y'all. And despite the fact that companies are coming up with an obscene number of varieties and versions of digital delay pedals, this thing fucking still sits on the pedalboard of Satriani, Clapton, Eric Johnson, David Gilmour, Brad Paisley, Tom Morello, Nels Cline, and a billion other people. And I don't mean that these guys use Boss digital delays generally, I mean those guys specifically still use DD-2's. If you counted the artists that use the later Mks, that's probably a large portion of the Earth's population. And the final spot goes to...the generic multi-effects unit. How 80's is a kid saving up to buy a sweet multi-effects processor where he could tap around and cycle through? I remember when got my hands on a Zoom. I didn't learn how to do presets or read the manual like a pussy. I just kept stomping and let the next preset surprise me. Also, it looked like something a pro would have on stage. That was a huge selling point. Remember back when you weren't way too fucking cool and concerned about your tone to play this one of these? They were fun AF. And do you notice what all those have in common? Roland - Japan Boss (division of Roland) - Japan Ibanez - Japan Korg - Japan Yamaha - Need I go on? So Japan gets an honorary spot on the roster. The 80's were all about that MIJ. Just kidding, but there is no doubt that they were light years ahead of us in developing anything electronic during the 80's. It was like we were trying to figure out the wheel and they were building Terminator 1000s.
  3. Hey, remember the 80's? Because I do. I present to you the ultimate pedalboard tribute to the 1980s. (Editor's Note: You could put a Boss pedal at every position. They OWNED 80's in terms of creativity, affordability, durability, and quality. But I wanted to keep this interesting so I didn't just make a list of Boss pedals.) Here is your pedal chain: The 80's were all about compression. My favorite compressed tone, after Mark Knopfler's and a number of Nashville session guys, is the guitar in Billie Jean. It plays through the whole song but really stands out from 3:30 to 3:50. It's so perfectly compressed in this cheese kind of 80's way. You were hearing rackmount studio units on your favorite albums, but outside of the studio everyone swapped out their old dynacomp for a CS-1. Here's your medium gain OD. No comentary needed. And this right here is your high gain unit. How can you not love a RAT? It has always been cheap AF and it kinds of sounds cheap, but in a cool metal way. I'm not a flanger fan. To me it's just a phaser's ugly stepchild. But the 80's love it. MXR locked up the Flanging game when EVH and others took a fancy to it. This is THE 80's pedal. They were putting chorus in every song in every genre. Boss made the best chorus pedal and everyone bought the Boss chorus because Boss was mass producing them and keeping them affordable. There was so much chorus going on in the 80's that Boss/Roland built into their goddamn amp. I'm sur it appeared to everyone that chorus would inevitably remain an eternal and indispensible effect like reverb. (Continued)
  4. This gives me an amazing idea. I'm going to design the most 80's pedalboard ever in 10 pedals or less. This one is almost like cheating.
  5. That second setting kind of sounded like a doubler with chorus effect
  6. Was at Guitar Center yesterday and took these photos. The orange one looks like a Telecaser fucked a Grestch. The other one had a badass sparkly burst finish that I'd never seen before.
  7. Oh damn, look at this guy... Those G&L MFD pickups are so underrated. They fucking pop. The twang and tone are fat AF.
  8. For the G&L crew. All G&Ls are 20% off at this store on reverb. https://reverb.com/sales/davesguitar-20-percent-off-g-and-l
  9. I'm not gay or nothin but I might marry Andy.
  10. I got the text too! BMF like a boss!!!!
  11. I want to kiss Katy Tur on the mouth.
  12. Someone posted The Church earlier. Sorry if someone already posted this one.
  13. Messed around with this Ratatat song "Seventeen Years" last night. Drums recorded off of a midi type track. Guitar 1 - Swollen Pickle, scooped mids Guitars 2 & 3 - Same thing, but with normal mids, treble roll off, and "crunch" turned way up. Guitar 4 - Everything dimed
  14. That setup is badass. Dirt, Delay, Verb. (Waza brother). Strat and an LP. Is that Strat coral? Faded fiesta red? What's going on there?
  15. I'd want Jimmy to sign my Tele but also cast some kind of benign spell on it. And there needs to be a certificate of magick, and it better be spelled with a fucking "k."
  16. This is some 2 + 2 = 5 shit right here. You have to suspend everything you know about the dozens and dozens of Republican attempts to repeal the ACA with zero replacement and just purge it from your mind. Then, with the credulity of a cult member and memory span of a goldfish, you have to assume Trump must be telling the truth or has some kind of factual basis for this statement. Shows you how the GOP has fucking nothing to run on. They are trying to claim Obama's popular policy position as theirs. Per Trump, they are running on: - Obamacare's pre-existing conditions clause - made up diseases, MS13 gang members, and middle eastern terrorists lurking among several thousand refugees who want to peacefully apply for asylum - a made up 10% middle class tax cut (Wait, I though the last tax cut was a "middle class" tax cut? That's what Paul Ryan told me) - quasi-overt racism (DeSantis, Steve King) Things they are not running on: - The real tax cut they passed - The Muslim ban - Repealing Obamacare - Environmental protections
  17. 5 blocks south of where I work are about 20 apartment complexes occupied pretty much exclusively by immigrants (legal and illegal). You could probably round up a caravan size number of Hondurans right now...if they weren't all out busing tables, cooking food, cleaning white people's toilets, and building roads and shit.
  18. Not a Jew, rabbi, or ordained messianic minister.
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