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Everything posted by Grandioso

  1. Well, they know exactly what they are starting with and will have plenty of examples to work with (or at least get access to). Here's an article that last showed up in Fender's "feed" by total coincidence. https://www.fender.com/articles/gear/chasing-the-dragon-the-magical-mystery-of-jimmy-page-s-painted-telecaster
  2. Much of the right isn't even showing up to debate anything anymore. They've just taken a trolley to their own land of make believe and set up a tent city of disorganized thinking and conspiratorial festishism. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/3/22/14762030/donald-trump-tribal-epistemology Trump & Fox News have created the permission structure for believing whatever feels right even if unsupported by any evidence. On the contrary, you can just magically wish-think your way to a belief even if there is massive evidence to the contrary. Our President does this DAILY.
  3. Yeah, that looks like a Banksy type hoax. NYC makes too much money from tourists to alienate the red staters that fly in to see Hamilton and but trinkets on Times Square.
  4. Couldn't have been a guitar tech because he would have realized he fucked up the electronics. Whoever it was, I'm assuming Peter Grant got wind of it and the dude just "disappeared."
  5. We're framing a former director of the FBI, who's in? How about you, I'll give you $20,000.0? Uh, you're not going to leave a paper trail, and you have lots of sophisticated training and experience deadling with intelligence agencies, right? You're not going to trip over your own dick within like 30 seconds of getting this thing going are you? nnnn.... /Sound of handcuffs clinking shut as Wohl gets arrested midway through conversation
  6. I'm starting a five piece band. It's all guitarists and everyone plays a Dragon tele. Who's in?
  7. In the above-scenario, the baby becomes a sovereign citizen and grows up to become a really fucking annoying tax cheat.
  8. Trump is an elderly 300 pound elderly man who only stands up to play golf and give "speeches" at rallies. You can tell he uses spray tan, has had cosmetic surgery, and probably spends an hour a day on hair and makeup. He almost certainly has never been in a fistfight, shot a gun, been fishing, or done a day of manual labor in his life. I'd say he's as alpha and tough as Kim Kardashian, but I feel like that's an insult to Kim Kardashian.
  9. Grandioso


    Follow up Post. I ordered the remastered Animals on 180g and got it last week. Scrumtrulescent. Gonna need ALL the Floyd, even The Final Cut which is admittedly a Roger Waters solo album backed up by Pink Floyd. But fuck, that's still a Roger Waters solo album backed up by Pink Floyd. Also picked up reissues of Astral Weeks and Zeppelin 2. In growing my collection, I'm really focusing on albums that have a start to finish feel, sound, mood, or theme. (This is probably why I like live albums so much). Astral Weeks was recorded in only a couple of heavily improvised studio sessions, and Zeppelin 2 was made while they were touring and blowing up eardrums at live shows. I only want to have to get up once to flip the album over, and I want to enjoy the whole thing in one sitting.
  10. This is the part in my Obama-Biden vigilante/buddy movie where Biden calls Obama and it goes a little something like this: Obama: "Hello?" Biden: "Barack, you won't believe it..." Obama:"You got one too?!?" Biden: "What the hell is going on?" Obama: "I don't know, but we're getting to the bottom of this shit. We're the only ones that can." /Smash cut to Obama riding a motorcycle toward the FBI headquarters, cigarette dangling, while Biden sits in the side car, simultaneously cleaning a glock and rolling a joint.
  11. It's not bias, it's a publication that openly and proudly offers an intellectually and philosophically conservative perspective (to the 3-4 intellectual conservatives left in this country).
  12. The fucking drama with this band. The Eagles got back together and Roger Waters and David Gilmour are on good terms. Fucking Guns N' Roses got back together and are having a blast. Fleetwood Mac is like if you took Guns N' Roses and you replaced everyone except Axl with a clone of Axl.
  13. This shit is straight out of Dr. Strangelove. Fox News is reporting on "dinner disrupters," civility, and bothsides(TM) and has to cut away to attempted pipe bomb attacks on Democrats and liberals, which of course is this TOTALLY OTHER, UNRELATED THING.
  14. If this dumbass country goes to civil war over D-List celebrity game show host and late stage neurosyphilitic mushbrain Donald Fucking Trump, I really will move to Canada.
  15. Jerome's five carries: FIRST QUARTER (7:05) - 2nd & Goal at Oakland 1 - J.Bettis right guard to OAK 1 for no gain (D.Clark). (6:51) - 3rd & Goal at Oakland 1 - J.Bettis right tackle for 1 yard, TOUCHDOWN. SECOND QUARTER (11:12) - 3rd & Goal at Oakland 1 - J.Bettis left guard for 1 yard, TOUCHDOWN. THIRD QUARTER (3:16) - 1st & Goal at Oakland 1 - J.Bettis left guard for 1 yard, TOUCHDOWN. FOURTH QUARTER (1:21) - 1st & 10 at Oakland 24 - J.Bettis up the middle to OAK 26 for -2 yards (T.Smith).
  16. For whatever reason the mix is all weird. You can hardly hear the drums and bass line but whatever. Not perfect, but a close approximation. This is all compressor.
  17. Gettin' crazy with the overdubs! Goofed around with the Canyon's looper today. You can do some cool shit with just a guitar, amp, pedals, and an iPhone. 1) Drums - Isolated drum track off youtube, mic'ed from my phone into my guitar pickups 2) Bass - Guitar played an octave lower with treble rolled off 3) Guitar 1 - Boss Waza Chorus, medium speed/intensity, some Boss Waza delay timed to 1/8th notes 4) Guitar 2 - Chorus on a higher/warbly speed and more intensity, heavier delay 1) Guitar 1 - MXR Phase 90, Barber Gain Changer low gain setting at noon 2) Guitar 2 - Same as above with more treble 3) Guitar 3 - Boss Waza Blues Driver standard setting at 1-2 o'clock, medium delay 4) Guitar 4 - Same as above
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