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Everything posted by Grandioso

  1. Grandioso


    Is it bad that I kind of wish this was true because it would mean that Russia isn't completely eating our lunch when it comes to spycraft and the information/misinformation war?
  2. More from alternate reality game developers: https://medium.com/@registrarproject17/qanon-is-an-enormous-alternate-reality-game-arg-run-by-malevolent-puppetmasters-27e6b098ce9b https://danhon.substack.com/p/qanon-looks-like-an-alternate-reality
  3. This may have been posted before, but this is some good shit. https://medium.com/curiouserinstitute/a-game-designers-analysis-of-qanon-580972548be5 "A Game Designer's Analysis of QAnon"
  4. This is old but I just saw it so, bam: https://thehardtimes.net/blog/i-was-brainwashed-by-the-liberal-media-then-i-saw-a-video-of-a-man-ranting-alone-in-a-truck/
  5. I think now is where it gets nigh-impossible to predict what will happen. It can go fucking anywhere. It could die out in 2-3 years or morph into an even larger mass movement/delusion/religion spanning generations. The Jehovah's witnesses predicted judgment day like 10 different times and they're still plugging along with millions of adherents. One possibility is that the political elements get dropped and the new agey conspiracy mystery cult energy gets transferred into a different cause. It could splinter into different shit. I've expressed fear that QAnon is a readymade multimillion member base for a fascist movement. And I don't just mean right-wing shit, I mean real-deal anti-democratic autocratic fascism. We've got millions of people scrambling for a prophet and messiah now that Trump's out on the golf course. Someone might come along and become Trump x1000 but I honestly don't know who could possibly do it. My hope is that people just get bored, shrug their shoulders, and "go back to their lives" as Ron Watkins urged them to do (LMFAO). The tragedy is the God knows how many hours of energy, time, and money these people sunk into it. Think if all of those people had instead put it toward community service, nonpartisan humanitarian causes, or, I don't know, ACTUAL ACTIVISM FIGHTING HUMAN TRAFFICKING THAT IS REAL.
  6. AOC cleaned his clock so he's trying to beat up on the loveable but not quite as wily Seth Rogen. But Ted is fucking that up too. By next week I predict an AI bot account will be mercilessly dunking on Ted. After that, someone will accidentally "butt tweet" a string of random letters together that will somehow also own him.
  7. Blaming the 1/6 insurgency on Neoliberalism/Capitalism is as disingenous and retarded as blaming it on BLM. Yet they are all doing it, again, and again, and again. Jacobin, the Chapo guys, Briahna, Glenn Greenwald, Krystal Ball, etc. [Man in full military tactical gear waving confederate flag and yelling "hang Mike Pence"] Dirtbag Left: Now you see, this guy is a victim of crushing capitalism and this is simply how that is being expressed.
  8. There you have it - we'll just impeach you back! Ha ha! We'll impeach Obama - (crime to be determined). Just goes to show how fucking cynical these people are. I have yet to hear a persuasive moral or legal argument why Trump should not be impeached.
  9. Apparently Cotton's spokesperson is an 8-year-old child at a playground.
  10. Folks, the reviews just keep coming in. People love Ted Cruz!
  11. Imagine a Republican saying this after 9/11
  12. Project Lincoln is just a fuckin wrecking ball at this point. I thought they'd kick back and congratulate themselves after Biden won but it's like they've been overcome with a bloodlust. Keep up the ratfucking, gentlemen! God knows the Democrats don't know how to do it properly.
  13. Thinking back to where all this started and how some weirdos started pizzagate and then an internet firebug troll decided to kick it up 100 notches on 4chan with the Q bullshit. The analysis of whether QAnon is true or legit should IMMEDIATELY stop at "4chan." An individual with the highest security clearance in the United States is breaking news in the form of riddles on 4chan? The same site that is 95% tentacle porn, video game discussion, and anti-semetic memes? PEOPLE, HOW? WHY? STAHP!!!!
  14. You see, Hillary had this private email server...
  15. Might as well toss these into evidence. Fuck it. Let's destroy this MF thoroughly.
  16. Had Covid from 10/18 to about 10/31. It was fucking miserable - nonstop fever, aches, cough. There was absolutely no mistaking it & I tested positive twice. Really jealous of the asymptomatic people. I mean, how? But for the record, I got the swine flu back in 2008 or 2009 whenever that happened and it was worse. My temp hit 105 (or pretty damn close) at one point and I'm pretty sure I hallucinated some.
  17. That media chart doesn't include the 50 youtube personalities and influencers from which QAnon supporters get their information. I get all my news from Tik Tok "TruthslayerWWG1WGA"
  18. Came here to laugh about this. Just an absolute cartoon of a human. A Cohen brothers character. The monorail guy meets the corrupt congressman in "Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington." Trump had no reason to do this. It's like with Blago, I think he just can't abide a white man serving time for financial crimes.
  19. Here is what the 2024 contenders are up to in terms of messaging: Cruz - The Paris Climate Agreement is Frenchy and costs jobs (it doesn't and Pittsburgh wants you to fuck off). Hollywood is bad. Rubio - Vague warning of "radical leftist agenda." Hawley - Big Tech is trying to silence conservatives, as I discuss in my upcoming book, which I will plug on 10,000 different TV and radio shows and podcasts. Haley - Joe Biden wants America to become California. (What with its massive economy (WITH strict environmental regulations), best public education system in the country, health care accessibility, etc. If you want to terrify people, pledge that you want America to become South Carolina.) Small people with small ideas. They are either (a) trying to return to classic conservatism (Cruz, Rubio, Haley), (b) taking up a culture war crusade (Hawley, Cruz), or (c) trying a combination of the two.
  20. "one time homerun king" Barry Bonds was a hell of a player and a Hall of Famer even if you discount the roided out years, but I do not recognize his record. "We know no king but the King in Atlanta, whose name is Hank!"
  21. Got to shake the man's hand at a book signing when I was a kid.
  22. And absolutely PERFECT candidates for a real fascist movement: 1) Staggering credulity 2) Abandonment of individuality 3) Hatred of the media 4) Hatred of liberals 5) Anti-democratic 6) Crazy performative patriotism 7) Steady diet of nothing but propaganda (OAN, Fox News, Newsmax) 8) Fanaticism I could go on. QAnon was yearning for fucking show trials, a military takeover, and the eradication of enemies, and all using religious rhetoric. These people are fascists. "Are we gonna split hairs here? Am I wrong?" I need to go dust off my copy of "the True Believer."
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