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Native Horn

Burnt Ends
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About Native Horn

  • Birthday October 11

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  1. The show is already boring enough. Let us have our rocky ports, broken glassware and windlasses, incompetent crew and massive dump photo talk!
  2. I agree with your point. However, he wasn't shooting at the "fucking president." He was shooting at a convicted felon and rapist who happened to serve as POTUS previously.
  3. 325 is a more accurate assessment.
  4. Well, rumor has it that Mercedes couldn't get their cars fired up for FP1 today.
  5. Pretty sure there aren't gators in Africa.
  6. That is supremely badass, Superhero. Also, yer mom has some amazing melons.
  7. Actually came in to type this, but didn't have the balls. Nicely done, Mac.
  8. Amen to this. Alternatively, some douchebag lawyer stole Pizza Hut's 444-4444. Assmunch. Sheeeeit, it was PONG when I started going there. #old On a related note, I was the account manager for the Mr. Gatti's 401(k) plan over 30 years ago. Suffice it to say, those folks didn't save much, even the executives. I feel like they were HQ'd in Kerrville, if memory serves.
  9. I feel like in a few years, that will be viewed as a yuge fuck-up by Ferrari. Just one in a line of many recently, especially on race day.
  10. JimCarreyDumbandDumberWellYeah.gif
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