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Everything posted by TexasBeta

  1. For some reason this struck a chord with me when it aired. “Give all of us gathered here tonight the strength to remember that life is so very fragile. We are all vulnerable and we will all at some point in our lives fall; we will all fall. We must carry this in our hearts…that what we have is special. That it can be taken from us and that when it is taken from us we will be tested…we will be tested to our very souls. We will now all be tested. It is these times…it is this pain that allows us to look inside ourselves.” - Coach Taylor
  2. My daughter is in same boat - I'm pushing her towards LSU. Her take on aggy "What a bunch of weirdos" So.. I got that going for me.
  3. What.. no Tommy Nobis - it's was his birthday two days ago! San Antonio
  4. Plays on my sons team. St. Dominic Savio. In top passers of central Texas. Smart kid. Well coached. On the thin side.
  5. Yes. I think 2nd CB. No way that cuckold keeps Denver on the bench.
  6. Move the chains!!!! This is what I hate about Card. It’s either deep or nothing. Throw the Whit. Throw to the TE.
  7. Yes. Yes. Let the hate flow through me.
  8. This is correct. They are like locust. You can’t swing a dead cat here in austin without hitting a century club member. Houston is a million times worse.
  9. I've only been going for breakfast .. and only b/c it's on the way to work ... Need to find a Texas based lunch replacement - maybe just go to Dirty's everyday.
  10. Did DKR even have a depth chart - I can only assume he sent the best players out there and if they couldn't hack it it was the next man.. heck I think David McWilliams played both ways .. ? I would pay top dollar to put CB in a time machine and have him ask DKR about his depth chart.
  11. This is how I see it -- shooters shoot.
  12. Now I need Bama to pound the farmers like the sheep f&xkers they are.
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