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Everything posted by HeyMcFly

  1. not at all we shouldn’t be so predictable.
  2. Why is her turtling. There is still a lot of time.
  3. Won’t won’t the numbers be for next weeks lotto?
  4. Jesus Christ who the fuck are the physios. This team is just poorly ran.
  5. HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHHHAHAHHHAHAHHAHAHHHHAHAHAHGAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAGAHHAGAGGAGAGAGGAGAHHHAHAHAHAHAHHA Yeah Herman is definitely known for his half time adjustments and not coming out and doing the same shit over and over and over.
  6. We will replace him with another good ol Texas boy who will hire his friends and some other mediocre coaches and continue to win 9 games and one conference very 20 years.
  7. Literally since 14:59 of the first quarter.
  8. OU is gonna fuck us like they did k state in the first half.
  9. Just ash obvi he isn’t coaching.
  10. Herman gonna get fired for hiring his stupid fucking friends.
  11. This is like letting your wife fuck a bunch of dudes and you proclaim you’re embarrassed and vow to never let that happen again but 7 days later you’re there watching her do it again
  12. I said it once and I’ll say it again. Herman is fatsas bitch
  13. “The defense was embarrassed from the tech game” yeah fucking right
  14. Bro it’s shittier than any Maryland quarter game.
  15. Wow this team is ass my dude
  16. In the story they make a lot of excuses for them... but the title is definitely worse than the article.
  17. TILstats are only kept for the first 57 minutes of the game.
  18. I’m not gonna say I was the guy who won the game for us but I took my new polo off the moment after tech made that long ass run and put my og Texas shirt on and came back. Y’all welcome
  19. I’m drunk so I’m more optimistic.
  20. It’s complacency to me. Like they are okay to be up ten and just coast. We need killers.
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