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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by huge

  1. As far as 93.4 proof goes, the RC16 is great. Had my first pour last night. At $220 I would want to find one at a higher ABV and compare.
  2. Not showing up yet on Total Wine website
  3. Just noticed that my unopened RC16 is 93.4 proof. looks like I need to find another
  4. 2 days of 1 foot seas, got the call. Headed to Boomvang.
  5. Lynns is awesome if you want to time travel to 1987. The food is good enough. Worth a look.
  6. Laureano would have hosed him by 6 feet but it was a pretty solid throw Fun little 15 minutes there
  7. Fangraphs has him appropriately rated at 10th on the team in WAR. No clue how BR has him ahead of YA.
  8. So far so good. Only needed about 15 min charge out of the box. Now I need to figure out if I need to use the customization. Build quality seems solid.
  9. This is what happens
  10. This one is a hammer. Mine is also 131 and drinks pretty smooth but man it hits hard. I might have to revisit tonight.
  11. Many restaurants do not follow this practice. That being said anything steakhouse related you are correct. Their knives are sharp.
  12. That's some Paul Harvey shit right there.
  13. I have no interest in spending my own money with a full send steakhouse meal. Even less so at those prices. Next time I have a business dinner I am going there though.
  14. Andiron was great last night. Sat at the bar and had cocktails and appetizer (cold smoked seabass with artichoke broth). Space is nice, smells smokey fantastic. Steaks looked fancy and expensive as is the new trend.
  15. Fusing boss pieces to weapons makes them very useful.
  16. And some weirdos eat nacho cheese doritos with buttermilk...
  17. Ok you can have mine. And everyone else's.
  18. If you do, be sure to ask your doctor for Skyrizi. My household income thanks you in advance.
  19. And that will result in a better NBA product for fans. And also allow teams to get better without engaging 100% tank mode.
  20. Cottage cheese is not a real food product.
  21. When I went I had only been on the wait list 2 months (Houston). Guy that hosted me was surprised I got a drive so quickly. He said that it was usually 6-12 months. Also said that they expected CarPlay to be added in 2024. We will see.
  22. Yes once you put down a deposit you get on their radar and when they have time/room they schedule a test drive. They had regular/sport/offroad tire options to drive. I went with the "offroad" wheel tire set up. If I can get over what you get luxury-wise for $90k I think I will end up buying one. Even if I dont keep it long they seem to be holding value (currently).
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