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Everything posted by yoladu

  1. David Brooks: Bournemouth winger joins Southampton on loan https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/68148820 thinking he might have a pretty good impact on our automatic promotion chances.
  2. That intersection is my jam. scares me to think of how much of my lifetime has been dedicated to waiting for that light to turn green.
  3. a GOP congresswoman forgot how she voted on bills she's bragged about, but actually opposed https://www.yahoo.com/news/watch-moment-gop-congresswoman-forgot-154805744.html This shit needs to be called out by local /regional journalists during this election cycle, because there will be more of it for sure. House Republicans have literally nothing to run on. Nothing. They haven't done shit. Just ask Chip Roy. "I want my Republican colleagues to give me one thing—one—that I can go campaign on and say we did. One!”
  4. Velvet Underground - European Son That beautiful guitar roar at 0:57, holy jesus, that blew my mind as a college freshman when I heard it in the mid 80s. Cant imagine what people thought of it in 1967.
  5. Deep cut here... Mercury Rev "Chasing a Bee" The guitar moment at 3:03 is so intense. Play it loud. It's like a huge bomb going off, you can literally feel/hear the shockwave. I consider it beautiful anyway.
  6. I vote for a small branch bank.... definitely not enough of those in that area. 😋
  7. kneeling between two parked cars seems on brand.
  8. What result will lead to less Patrick Mahomes on my TV set? I will root for that result.
  9. FA Cup Watford 1 - 1 Southampton Stuart Armstrong with a late goal equalizer in the 89th minute 22 match unbeaten streak in all competitions (last loss was sept 23rd) replay sometime during the week of feb 6th Southampton / Watford draw Liverpool in the next round. Oh boy.
  10. i learned road barricades are no match for an 18 wheeler. how many barricades were busted through in that movie?!!!
  11. right, he can do it. You might question how that looks to a jury who is deciding how much money they are going to award the plaintiff.
  12. Did 538 stop doing their club soccer prediction analysis?
  13. I dunno... I am a sucker for those 70s AOR strings. I know not everyone's cup of tea.
  14. oh, we didnt stay in Hilo, just kind of did a drive by (helicopter was out of Hilo), but I thought it looked pretty interesting - a totally different Hawaiian vibe than what you get on the Kona side. More locals, interesting architecture, different landscape altogether, no long sandy beaches, and wet. did i say wet? really wet.
  15. A night in Volcano makes sense. If you dont - you have to cut a lot of time in the Park if you try to make it a day trip from Kona. lots of good BnB options in Volcano (in the jungle).. no hotels really to speak of though (at least 10 years ago, that is)
  16. over at texags, they are promoting a Trump/DeSantis ticket. Why would anyone want to be Trump's VP in 2024? Trump basically abandoned his previous one to get killed.
  17. Bingo! the country as a whole, looks more like Florida since 2016. What happens in Florida should stay in Florida.
  18. Swansea 1 - 3 Saints Good all around win.. a couple of Swansea chances off the post in the second half made it a bit dicey. 21 match unbeaten streak in all competitions (last loss was sept 23rd) Southampton moves into 2nd place for at least the next 48 hours
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