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Posts posted by texasdago

  1. When it comes to Summit County, my preference is:

    1) A-Basin (not for everyone but if you're looking purely for skiing, this is it)

    2) Copper Mountain (nicely divided terrain)

    3) Breckenridge (favorite lift is chair 6... lots of fun to be had)

    4) Keystone (Chinese Downhill on Schoolmarm) 

  2. Oh yeah, Newseum of however its spelled I've heard is good. Spy museum for sure on the list.  Not ready to fully expose the kids to the Holocaust but they need to learn... maybe not quite in too much detail.

    Also heard Georgetown has a bunch of light displays at night so we'll check those out one night. 

    Planning to hit up Old Ebbit Grill one night and Succotash another (looks really nice).  Probably catch drinks at the Willard.

    If I was reliving my younger time in DC, I'd go get lit at The Tombs or The Tune Inn but that's probably out.


  3. 5 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    yeah, it was strange. "i'm a real estate developer, there's no reason i couldn't work on real estate deals while running for president, i still have to run my business, but this guy is a liar and everything he says is to get a lighter sentence because he's a liar, and i am a businessman"

    Not to mention his comment where he essentially said, "he's lying... but even if he was right, I could do whatever I wanted" (paraphrasing)

  4. In on anything related to MCM.  


    DWR is a joke... their prices are absurd and only worth pursuing when there is a specific piece that you want that just doesn't get discounted (ex: Knoll Saarinen table). BUT, if they have it on sale, Knoll does too and you just have to find the better shipping deal.

    I'm a sucker for Eames fiberglass chairs.  Hate how Herman Miller now makes them in plastic but I love the Modernica ones.  Found a nice burnt orange Modernica rocker in burnt orange once... that color and the style just do it for me.

    We were in Palm Springs this past week... its like one giant crack house for MCM addicts.


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  5. On 11/10/2018 at 3:54 AM, Rockwell Torrey said:

    Try Taiwan.  Foods amazing, people are warm and friendly, very safe., really cool history.  It is everything we want Communist China to be.

    Taiwan is pretty bad ass and I like Taipei a lot more than people led me to believe.  Great great street food, you can get into the jungle/mountains easily as well as to the coast.  

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