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Posts posted by texasdago

  1. In on anything related to MCM.  


    DWR is a joke... their prices are absurd and only worth pursuing when there is a specific piece that you want that just doesn't get discounted (ex: Knoll Saarinen table). BUT, if they have it on sale, Knoll does too and you just have to find the better shipping deal.

    I'm a sucker for Eames fiberglass chairs.  Hate how Herman Miller now makes them in plastic but I love the Modernica ones.  Found a nice burnt orange Modernica rocker in burnt orange once... that color and the style just do it for me.

    We were in Palm Springs this past week... its like one giant crack house for MCM addicts.


    • Like 4
  2. On 11/10/2018 at 3:54 AM, Rockwell Torrey said:

    Try Taiwan.  Foods amazing, people are warm and friendly, very safe., really cool history.  It is everything we want Communist China to be.

    Taiwan is pretty bad ass and I like Taipei a lot more than people led me to believe.  Great great street food, you can get into the jungle/mountains easily as well as to the coast.  

  3. 11 minutes ago, Sandman said:

    My friend came over to watch fireworks a couple of years ago and brought his teenaged son. I only have girls, so I always break out the Wilson 1001 whenever the opportunity presents itself. The boy plays football at school, so he started running routes and I was slinging passes like crazy. But after a while my arm...just wouldn't work right anymore. I literally couldn't throw a ball more than 10 feet. It was such a helpless feeling.

    Image result for colt mccoy locker room alabama

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  4. I can't say I had too many issues with my 2006 Z4... stick shift, lots of fun to drive, bought it used with 50K+ miles and my mechanic gave it a clean bill of health before I bought it.  Had it for 3-4 years before Harvey took it.

    The Alfa is great... love driving it and just pushing it.  I mostly leave the setting in Sport mode and you can tell it wants to get pushed.  Handling is a dream.  Yes, I hope its a good one, too because it makes me want to go get a 4C.

    • Like 1
  5. I love my Alfa... I'm a year in and no issues so *fingers crossed*.  Had a CLS550 that I loved but had all kinds of suspension issues and it was a well-known problem with airmatic.  Funny... everyone picks on the Italians but keeps quiet about the Germans.  Having had both, we'll see... still too early to tell.  I know the Quadrifoglio has more issues that a Ti Sport.

  6. Yes, you can find it around.


    BTW, big fan of Vov altough I make my own.  If you happen to be north in the mountains during the winter, order a bombardino.  Thank me later unless you drink too many and then don't blame me.

  7. So, what I suggest is check out some of the various regional amaros to see what you like.  You can buy Montenegro here easily.  Something like Amario Ciociaro, Amaro del Gargano or even looking for more obscure ones like Genepi from Aosta or something that you can't find easily here.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Loco said:

    What I want is a back alley wine hookup.  I don't know if it's just bragging, but a few Italians that I spoke with for a little while mentioned their family (uncle or whatever) makes their own wine (very limited personal production), and it's spectacular...  Old family farm etc...   To be honest, it would probably be wasted on me, but I'd like to have a glass or three, ya know, for science and what not.

    Funny thing is that you can go to a winery in Italy and get spectacular wine for under $10/bottle and in some cases, you'd be surprised what you can get for 5-7 Euro

  9. Do you ski?  Go ski in the Alps... find a place with massive vertical and amazing views and go nuts for a few days.  You can do it somewhere like Chamonix where you have access to all kinds of terrain and a fun town.  So many options in France, Italy, Austria or Switzerland.  Knowing your desire to get your dollar to stretch, Italy cheapest, then Austria, France then obviously Switzerland.  You could stay in Cervinia and ski both on the Italian and Swiss side of the Matterhorn but the Italian side is drastically cheaper.

    So, that or Mexico City.

  10. On 11/2/2018 at 2:02 PM, SimonBolivar said:

    Weather was outstanding (we didn't do any fishing) and the tourists were mostly Mexican Nationals, but we went the week after traditional US spring beak and it was Easter which a lot of Mexico gets the week off for. We left for home on Good Friday and the crowds had really picked up.

    We went to Huatulco one year around Semana Santa... 95% Mexican Nationals... made for a fun trip as the vibe was different but enjoyable.

    • Like 1
  11. I've been a huge fan of any "Google pushed" phones like the Nexus line and have continued that love with the Pixel.  Have no interest in Samsungs based on what I've seen from my wife's phones.  Yeah, they have some fun bells and whistles but too much garbage I don't want.  Love the clean and simple approach of a Google phone.

  12. On 11/5/2018 at 2:43 PM, crash_davis said:

    i love that the swing smacked him on the back of the head for good measure.  life has a way of adding the exclamation point.

    Something tells me the swing was designed to do that to delight onlookers

  13. Yeah, I like jumping, too but I think my jumping days are over with my knee.  Just not a good idea without a ligament.  I feel very confident that I can get back on track quickly as I listed to my body but, you know, jumping may have to go.

  14. Yeah, I really don't get the hate for the anthropology museum.  It is absolutely fascinating... not only the collection but the incredibly setting and architecture.  I first saw that museum when I was 11 or 12 years old.  Always stuck in my mind.  Seeing it again in 2016 for the first time in years was no less impactful.

    • Like 2
  15. 44 minutes ago, phdhorn said:

    I never snowboard because after 45 years of skiing, I tried snowboarding a few times, and fell on my ass and chest like 321 times.  Ain't got time fo' dat shit. 
    Essentially snowboarding wasn't invented when I learned to ski, so I didn't have a choice.  And I don't feel like killing myself now to do it.
    However, self-kudos for being able to get off of the chair without falling once, with one leg strapped into a board.  If that were the entirety of the sport, I'd consider myself an expert boarder now.

    I tried it around 1987 or so... back when Burton was one of the few games in town and did it for a few days.  It was OK but part of my was like, man, why do I want to start over.  I also remembered catwalks and flats suuuucked and lifts were a pain in the ass.  I though, I'm not going to take a step back given where I am today so I stuck with skiing.  Never looked back.

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