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Zone Read

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Everything posted by Zone Read

  1. Wife (no pics) and I (you wouldn't want pics) travel a bit in Texas and other states, mostly Florida, NY, and the New England area. Typically my car in Texas and rentals in other states. Is there a single brand of toll pass that covers you everywhere without a huge mark-up for admin fees?
  2. Wasn't there a story somewhere that one of the Texas D-lineman dated Klatt's wife in high school and that when he sacked him in one of the two 2005 games he reminded Klatt of having "known" her?
  3. This surprises you? Have you been around aggies? EDIT: Meant to reply to the post you replied to.
  4. Fuck Jerry world and Jerry. This is one tradition that should never be changed. I’ve been to the Death Star 2 times in my life for Texas Big 12 championship games and neither time did we stand in line for less than 30 minutes.
  5. Been to the vast majority of all home games since 1981. I’ve sat in different sections and different stadium configurations so maybe that factors in what makes it loud but Ricky’s run, UH 1990 and Bama this year had my ears ringing.
  6. You're probably right but I've parked in Brazos quite a few times over the past 20 years and it's much, much worse this year than ever before. Not sure why it spiked up so badly this year. I think lack of traffic control to merge the exiting cars onto MLK is part of the problem.
  7. Brazos garage is a complete clusterfuck. For the past 3 home games its taken me 45 minutes, 95 minutes, and 65 minutes to get out.
  8. The appeal was of a Big XII officiated call. It never should have had to been appealed. This conference is fucking us over for having the audacity to leave.
  9. Fuck this conference. So glad we're leaving it.
  10. My twins and I are UT grads. My oldest is a UTSA grad. All of us are going. I hate to see him unhappy but I'll live with it and buy him large quantities of alcohol after the game.
  11. Took me over an hour to get out of Brazos Garage Level 4.
  12. So with Scott Frost fired, perfect opportunity for aggy. First, fire Jimbo and pay him his 90 million left on his guaranteed-in-full contract. Then buy out Frost’s contract for 15 million and hire him for 20 million a year. Win-win for everybody.
  13. If its taking into account that Ewers will be out 4-6 weeks, probably a fair ranking.
  14. Was at the game last night and don't have LHN to record it. Like to review the game and see what I missed when some asshole decides to go get a beer on a third down play and block my view. Any replays available?
  15. I got a Biobidet USPA 6800U 3 years ago. Changed my life. I managed to put a hole in the seat last month when I accidentally slammed the lid after a bout with a nasty stomach bug. Fearing that an errant urine stream could get through the hole and fry the insides, I decided to replace it. I ordered a Biobidet BB 2000, this baby is supposed to be the Rolls Royce of bidets. Last time I was this excited was when I got on the plane to LA in 2006 to go to the National Championship. I fucking love bidets.
  16. LOL, I am far from a new poster. I date back to the mid 90s on Hornfans and Longhorn fan zone, just rarely post. I knew that was coming and I do know the rules.. They are of the male variety. And both have girlfriends you definitely would want pictures of.
  17. To you Mr. Duke, the rest of Surly, and the citizens of the great state of Texas, thanks for helping me fund the education of my twins.
  18. As someone who just graduated twins from the University of Texas at Austin, facts like this prevent me from ever complaining about the price of sending 2 kids there at the same time.
  19. aggy actually thinking they have a voice in the SEC and that anyone will take their complaints seriously. Especially when the entire membership of the SEC probably agrees with Saban's opinion. That's adorable.
  20. I hate all sequels, except The Godfather 2. I went into this with very low expectations, really only saw it cuz the kids begged me to take them and I loved the first one enough to give this a shot. Plot holes were huge, the laws of physics were changed to guidelines, and Goose Jr. would be close to 40 in this timeline... but it was fucking great. I'm seeing it again Saturday since my wife didn't join us when I saw it the first time. I insisted she see it and I had no problem going to see it again.
  21. My dads been gone since 1985. He was a senior that year, I remember him saying that it was one of the most fun games he ever attended. He was on the sidelines reporting on the game for the Daily Texan. He said that after the game there were corps members crying in the stands. He would often say that scene was one of his fondest memories. Started his Master's program at UT the following year and dropped out 3 days after Pearl Harbor to enlist. CSB.
  22. I first tried a bidet at the Park Hyatt Hotel in NYC, late 2018. I knew I had to have one someday. Summer of 2019, I'm in Jerusalem, Israel, the holiest city in the world. I get woken up at 2am by a Woot notification that the Biobidet 6800U was on sale for a serious discount. The location and the time of day, I was convinced It had to be a message from a higher power. I bought it. It was on my doorstep the day after we got back. My wife never fully appreciated the awesomeness of her husband's decision to buy it. When she prepped for her colonoscopy on Sunday, she finally understood.
  23. Let me explain this to you. My post was a criticism of all the shitty things about the game and how I'd be crazy to ever go back there again, yet I'll keep going till the day I die. So, your reply doesn't really work because I do plan on going back. Is there anything else I can clarify for you? I'll be more than happy to.
  24. Been going since 1981. Went yesterday with my wife. My twins who I've been taking since they were 10 are seniors and sat 3 sections over from us in the student section. With them graduating in May I'm wondering if it's time for this tradition to end for me. For the last 25 years I've said I'm tired of dealing with 6 hour drives in traffic jams to get to Dallas, the nightmare of getting to the stadium by car or the shitshow DART manages every year. Sick of leaving dehydrated and sunburned. Fed up with losing to those inbreds half the time. I'm too old to put up with pissing in a trough, backbreaking seats, and the craziness of getting in and out of the stadium. It's a no-brainer, I can watch it on my 65 inch TV at home, in AC, with no bathroom lines, and not spend the shit-ton of money like I do every year. Yeah, it's a no-brainer, but I guess I don't have a fucking brain cuz I'll probably go again next year and every following year till I'm pushing up daisies.
  25. Lincoln Riley never had the makings of a varsity athlete.
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