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Everything posted by CleverNickname

  1. I nabbed a couple of nights in June at a place with shared Dry Frio access, and am sharing a bigger house with SIL and nieces on West Frio north of Leakey just before school (hopefully) returns. But I can easily take off more days and pop down a time or two. Plus when we they are there for a week I am willing to brave a popular float with some of the kiddos.
  2. Our usual far flung national park road trip is likely scrapped. I'd like to make as many Texas river frolics as possible. I'm pretty ignorant about the most fun swimming holes and float areas down that Frio/Nueces/Sabinal area. My kids (8 and 10) are decent swimmers, although I suspect they will prefer running water over shallow rocks to calm and deep holes. That may be me projecting my fear of slimy river bottoms, I dunno. What are your favorite places to go? What are worth fighting the crowds and what out of the way places are worth exploring?
  3. Question for RV people. Do you like to RV because you are an introvert and prefer your alone time, or do you RV because you are an extrovert and like meeting new people?
  4. NE running kinda fizzled, enabling extra time to clean out a gutter.
  5. I think when the Martians first attack Tom Cruise's row house in War of the Worlds?
  6. Haven't canceled the family summer road trip yet. Planning on Grand Canyon, Zion, and Bryce. We can easily just eat out of the car and skip restaurants. I'm a cheap bastard anyway. But hard to avoid hotels.
  7. So is the plan: (1) we shelter in place and keep it so few ever get Covid19, stalling until a vaccine or excellent treatment is available? Or (2) we shelter in place, knowing eventually most will get it, but doing enough to "flatten the curve?" Because if its #2 I will volunteer for variolation trials. If I am going to get it, give me a lose dose exposure in controlled circumstances.
  8. Question: it appears we can social distance well enough to flatten the curve, and not slam hospitals so bad that they get overwhelmed. But over the next 18-24 months... like 70% of people are still going to get the 'rona, right?
  9. Not major staples. But things like the kids preferred cereals, the good quesadilla cheese, pita bread. I kinda worry that if I wait 7 to 10 more days then we'd be really out of some stuff, and then it's not just mildly inconvenient but a real bummer. Like, why let get things get too lean?
  10. Last 2 curbside / instacarts have left some big holes they they couldn't fill. We could go another week without shopping, but it would mean kids bitching about lack of salty snacks, etc. So... should I just mask up and get it done, or endure sub-optimal food for the duration? I'm not really understanding what the guidance is at the moment.
  11. Think my yard guy (crew) comes today? I'm guessing they are considered or consider themselves "essential sanitation" or something. I may not be a rich man, but having somebody else mow my yard makes me feel like a rich motherfucker.
  12. Literally in the Basin right now. Park is effectively in government shut down. No visitors centers. Little store is open, but they have a cap on number inside. Basin restaurant is basically take out only plusbthe 4 outside tables. We've eaten 100% of our food from our own stores. I saw only 1 other truck in the state park yesterday. Today may be a little busier - grapevine hills and walking tornillo creek.
  13. Last laugh on those "asymptomatic" millennials when it turns out the virus attacked their testes and they are infertile.
  14. I have not. I asked as a "non urgent" question. Frankly I dont really expect a straight answer. I expect a "no one really knows."
  15. I sent a message to my doc to ask if I should taper from losartan 25mg that helps with my mild hypertension (120/90 with meds). Some thought that ace inhibitors might increase severity of covid symptoms.
  16. Health plans can waive cost sharing, but they can't force a provider (facility or doctor) to not collect the piece of the pie owed them.
  17. So over at King County WA Life Care, covid19 has killed 19 of 120 patients. That's already 16%. And I read the other day that they had 11 deaths before the first diagnosis, and usually they'd have 5 or 6. 16%. Not Great. Not Terrible.
  18. Real talk: half-assed containment *is* mitigation. Who cares how airtight it is? The point is to slow it down.
  19. Rumor is that Italy is rationing ICU beds. May have to triage and just let over 60 die.
  20. One week ago I was pretty sanguine. I am a total doomer, witness my being all over page 1. So for six weeks I watched closely, even bought extra food in the pantry, but wasn't really freaked. My brother in law lives in HK, and so he had a closer perspective. Containment is working there. I'm youngish, my children are hale. The cases in China, SK, and Japan seemed to be leveling off so much. We've been at or under 100k for a long time - steady climbing but it didn't seem out of control. I didn't really believe China's numbers. But there were fewer and fewer exported cases from China - lending some credence to the possibly that China proved it could be contained. Neighboring states seemed to be weathering pretty well. The SK cases were a unique blow up, but even that showed major flare ups could be dealt with. Iran is a shitshow, but I chalked that up to bad government and the impact of years and years of embargos on the health care system. But then Italy and Washington State (and Egypt)... and probably more scare are all the cases those two hotbeds have exported cases. As someone mentioned this AM, there is a case that Las Vegas exported, and we have no idea what things are like there. Now we have SK + Iran + Italy + Wash St + Egypt... probably other clusters across Europe, plus Indonesia and maybe India... just so many more chances to break out. So this weekend, I feel far far worse about things. I do think any given regional blow up can probably be successfully curbed. It might take months, but there is hope. But if there are dozens of regional flare ups? Prediction: Be ready for schools to extend Spring Break 2-3 weeks.
  21. There are decades when nothing happens; and there are weeks when decades happen. — Lenin.
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