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Everything posted by CleverNickname

  1. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/10/29/20936921/usaid-predict-pandemic-preparedness
  2. Don't worry guys. WHO says not a pandemic, won't be a pandemic... https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-who/who-says-no-longer-uses-pandemic-category-but-virus-still-emergency-idUSKCN20I0N8?utm_source=reddit.com
  3. Why does every media outlet keep pushing "actually flu is the real danger" stories? Guess what, new virus with unknown R0 and unknown CFR is scary as shit. Seems so bizarre the aren't pimping Covid big time. Seems like only NYTimes has steady coverage.
  4. Link found at the hive of scum and villainy that is Reddit (they did a flip and China_Flu is the place for Crazy to gather): http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/recommendations.html It's a proposed pandemic playbook. I mean, #2, 5, and 6 really do emphasize downplaying concerns and prioritizing the economy. And (through paranoid eyes) #7 discusses how to juke public perception.
  5. I can confirm I just listed old folks running for president off the top of my dome, and those names were not in order by chronological age (accept by accident).
  6. What are the odds Covid19 kills one of the major olds running for president? Trump, Biden, Warren, and Sanders are old. Bloomberg is crazy old, too.
  7. some actual evidence that the China death numbers are juked. Japanese victim (in Wuhan) dies of "viral pneumonia" and technically not listed as coronavirus. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/coronavirus-updates-u-s-japanese-citizens-die-wuhan-global-deaths-n1132951
  8. Crazy about the ship quarantine... don't you have to restart the 14 day quarantine period every time there is a new case? On day 13 there might be 50 new folks who have new (and infectious) cases. It just doesn't actually make any sense to keep them all together. It's not like those 500 folks are all exposed just one time X days ago. And you can't really just say everyone has to stay in their rooms, right?
  9. 2 new cases in HK, no china contact. So it is spreading there, locally. S. Korean woman picked up a case travelling to Thailand.
  10. Thought this post was very good: https://old.reddit.com/r/China_Flu/comments/evt0bt/30_jan_wuhan_coronavirus_future_projections_and/
  11. Sorry, not sorry. Credible rape accusations mean he is a likely rapist. I'm sure Art Briles walks old ladies across the street, too.
  12. Every study poll puts the R0 well above the flu. Seasonal fly is median of 1.3; this 2019-nCoV has a similar R0 to SARS, currently estimated at 2.6. Which is lucky, as it appears to be infectious before symptoms show (unlike SARS). Normal flu mortality is about 0.1%, SARS was 11%. Estimates for this are difficult since I'm not sure you can trust the PRC numbers. Probably no worse than 3%, maybe well lower if the true number of cases is order(s) of magnitude greater. Presumably it's harder to substantially juke death stats while many infected might never get tested (shortages) or never be sick enough to need a hospital.
  13. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3047813/china-coronavirus-hong-kong-medical-experts-call
  14. Kobe: NBA champion gold medalist philanthropist supporter of women's basketball rapist
  15. Around 4:24am. https://www.khou.com/mobile/article/news/local/breaking-large-blast-rattling-windows-felt-across-houston-area/285-dfb38cd1-484e-48f3-b87c-6bac0b7f2a25
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