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Everything posted by CleverNickname

  1. re: CodeNext - I wonder if Trump's pivot to NIMBY helps the pro-CodeNext YIMBY people and paints that Pool, Alter, Tovo and Kitchen quartet as the racist hypocrites we all know they probably are.
  2. I think this is my old friend from last year: Checking out the bird water thing we set up to prevent coons from messing it up. (Further modifications have become necessary)
  3. Weekend update: OU & OSU students return to campus causing surge of cases = bad; FDA approval of NBA cheap/fast saliva test = good; Special update on croots: very good
  4. Good news is that is neural/brain damage amd not your actual tastebuds.
  5. I'm thinking of getting an adjustable/temp ladder rack to mount my ancient 20 cu ft sears cargo box.
  6. I built one from plywood for use one for a long road trip through moab and such. It worked okay.
  7. My wife teaches AISD and kids are RRISD (online to start). We are about to see few million guinea pigs as schools around the country open. And I am glad we are not those experiments. Hoping it all turns out for the best, but kinda expecting it wont be.
  8. My brother and I were at a card convention on Austin, about September 1992. He was a Packers fan, mainly to piss of Cowboys fans. Typicla teenage iconoclast. Now we would call it being an jerkoff edgelord. Anyway, this guy with a righteous cleft lip surgical scar had Don Majkowski's (1989 Pro Set rookie) for 75 cents. Beckett had it listed for $2.50! We checked it twice. You can fit 9 cards per plastic three ring sheet. Bro bought 27 of em. Three solid pages of ole Majik Don bootlegging to the right. It was glorious. Twenty two hours later he tore up his knee, and Brett Favre started the next 275 games straight.
  9. We make a point to break up driving from ATX to New Mexico with an hour at Balmorhea. Just buy passes ahead of time. Sometimes in a weekday there are fewer than a dozen people there and none of them in the water.
  10. Frio > Nueces > Guadalupe But Nueces is prettier and might be my favorite.
  11. Nueces Dam - below Wes Cooksey. The RV park was closed to day passes but the public access is fine. Also the kiddos were able to tube downstream in a ripple. Not my fat @ss.
  12. Not much flow. I think the tendency to congregate at the dam is higher in these conditions. My plan is to hit the gates at 8am and wear the kids out by 11.
  13. For the most part I bet the figure out alternative polling locations. Lot of empty office buildings sitting around, hopefully they'll let precincts vote there.
  14. Re: yesterday's drama from OAG and TEA: I think the workaround on AG new guidance is to not rely on local powers in the Health and Safety Code and instead a home rule city passes an ordinance. Maybe the OOG can exempt statutes (itself now dubious under new SC dicta) but unless a law specifically is written to supersede local ordinance, cities can usually do whatver they want for health, safety, and welfare. Maybe there is something in the Education Code that would preempt that, I dunno.
  15. In 10 to 15 yrs when I retire, I'm going to buy one of those 12 ft tall power armor mechs for dealing with cedar and mesquite. Probably get the optional PTO and flamethrower attachments.
  16. I really want to send my kids back to school for the second 9 weeks. I'm hoping Austin is down to like 20ish new cases per day then. n b
  17. oh yeah, that article was totally my inspiration to check out Camp Wood and environs. I think I got similar inspiration from Texas Coop Magazine (which low key is like my favorite periodical in the world).
  18. Just where is the Quince anyway? And I read there is a washed out bridge... where is that? Is Montell private property?
  19. Schumacher's was pretty busy every time we drove past, so I only got to walk around a bit. With the picnic area and improved parking and on 39, it's almost too easy to enjoy. Also my kids aren't as in love with the shade/cypress scene. They like it bright and clear. But damn, Schumacher's is so fucking pretty. Same deal when we drove past Hunts Crossing. On an ordinary summer day it would have been fine. Maybe 1 other car. But there are enough little spots out the way you can just pass em up and find your own private piece of heaven. We'll probably go back to hit those up (particularly when my wife is comfortable with rope swings). Plus Mo-Ranch wasn't doing day passes, and that would be fun.
  20. It's easy to find pics to most of those, but here's Wagon Wheel crossing. Water depth on the left under dam is 3-4 ft. Good enough for my kiddos. Frio-level clarity.
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