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Everything posted by BearMace

  1. My suitcase glides like it's on fucking air. It's unreal.
  2. The other day on my way home from work a construction crew had knocked out power to a few intersections and the signals were completely off, not even all red flash. It pleased me though that everyone I saw handled it properly and it wasn't just a complete clusterfuck.
  3. I'm pretty sure they have vigilante arsonists up there. They think they're helping the neighborhoods out by burning them to the ground so they can't be crack houses/filled with squatter drug addicts.
  4. 8, sometimes 7. I can maybe see 5. 1-4 you're a psychopath or you better be dyslexic or something.
  5. Would a real hammer bounce off of a person that much? I feel like it would hit you and just stick while you crumpled to the ground.
  6. Only way the elevator contributed to his fail is if it accelerated after he jumped. I contend the lift did nothing. The floor was his enemy.
  7. Is agitation like I'd never hit a woman, but I'd shake the shit out of one?
  8. I'm ashamed that somehow escaped me as a possibility. Carry on.
  9. What's the third tiny trash can in the middle? Is there something beyond just trash and recycling?
  10. Sounds like Panchos, the classiest of Mexican buffets there ever was.
  11. People who don't enter a turn lane at the beginning, instead they cut across right up to the front while slowing down and blocking the through lane. Get the fuck out of the way.
  12. Synthol really shows the mental illness side of some of these roid guys. It doesn't remotely look good or real, and yet they somehow get addicted to it and keep injecting more and more until they look like a fucked up popeye dolls or some shit. Kinda funny how the only people they're fooling are themselves.
  13. Daayum. That guy tried to tell the old dude he was gonna get hurt.
  14. Unreal. I'd hate to be the poor sap that had to sit next to him. Never fly back from Tahoe at the same time Burning Man ends. Filthy fuckers those damn burners.
  15. He got to keep the lava lamp? Crazy.
  16. BearMace


    I don't know shit about web design, but if that were my crown jewel I'd probably start hiring that shit out.
  17. That looks like fighter equivalent of a Pontiac Fiero based Ferrari kit car. Obligatory
  18. BearMace

    Gym Pet Peeves

    People who set equipment up to gain a mechanical advantage so they can use more weight, range of motion be damned.
  19. The multiple types of bullshit dried shallots really sends her spice quest to 11. Is she going to space soon? A doomsday prepper? Why do dried shallots exist, much less varieties of dried shallots?
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