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Everything posted by austingirl

  1. Some of y'all have PMed me about Beto events, so I wanted to share this link to his organizing rally in Round Rock on the 27th. They are requesting RSVPs and you can do that here.
  2. Ah, you're talking about on an individual level. I guess I was thinking more in terms of our country as a whole. But I understand what you're saying.
  3. Well, there are a lot of ex-presidents I'd rather have in office. Most of them, actually. But besides that, saying "Well, THIS guy sucked and you didn't mind him as much, so you can't complain" is a shitty argument.
  4. What response am I to take from this?
  5. So you really think we were worse off before he came into office?
  6. Not Brisket, but as he and I have similar thoughts about our current administration, I'll tell you what I'd like. I'd like a leader who at least pretends he prepares for meetings with heads of state, openly condemns white nationalists (especially after they lead such efforts as in Charlottesville last year, doesn't side with Putin over his own advisors, and is man enough not to try to convince the public that he meant to say "covfefe". For starters.
  7. How far down is rock bottom? Seriously, how far?
  8. Saw this today - it's a new documentary about Fred Rogers and Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. As a kid growing up in the 80s, it was a staple in my home, but I never truly realized how progressive he was. There's a few times when he and Officer Clemmons cooled off their feet in a kiddie pool and then shared a towel, right around the time white people were dumping chemicals in pools while black people were swimming in them. Then there was the time Daniel Tiger told Lady Abelin he felt like a mistake and they sang a duet about it. And in the very first week, in 1968, King Friday built a wall around his castle to keep people from moving closer. So the rest of the people in the neighborhood sent him messages about kindness and inclusiveness and he realized there was nothing to fear, and he took down the wall. I shit you not.</p> Anyway, it's playing at the Alamo in the Austin area. I highly recommend it. Even though you will be sniffling at the end. I can't seem to embed the trailer so here it is.
  9. The family is gone for a few days, so instead of lounging on his bed or the couch, he lays between me and the front door like the good guard dog he thinks he is. Does this any time it's just me and him. [emoji173]️ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. As if I needed another reason to never go caving. Glad they found them but it sounds like getting them out will be treacherous to say the least.
  11. My dad shares a granola bar with Lucy every morning and this morning he didn't do it fast enough. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. We also go ours at Humane Heroes, but it was a litter of 4 puppies and they named them Edgar, Allan, Poe, and Lenore. Edgar and Allan were solid black and Poe and Lenore were tan with black markings. We loved the name so we kept it Edgar. Maybe Loki and Edgar have the same baby daddy.
  13. Remind me where you adopted yours from? Edgar's litter had another boy puppy that looked just like him, but smaller.
  14. I remember when All Ball died. So fucking sad. RIP Koko.
  15. Rain has slowed there from what I hear. Still supposed to get some tomorrow but hopefully it won't be as torrential. This is my grandpa's street in PA this afternoon - Angelle Dr., near the old TJ campus. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Over under on how long it takes for someone to say she's acting?
  17. Ha, I had a lady tell me that yesterday. Maybe it was your mom.
  18. Right, and I'm one of the liberal pansies he's always railing against. So he's really gone? Is that because of all the neg rep? Do we have some kind of auto-ban system when someone gets enough neg rep?
  19. And why are we talking about the first and second amendments? Do you think mine and others' anger here is because you said fuck off? You can tell whoever you want to fuck off whenever you want. That has nothing to do with anything. (Not you, Zepo.)
  20. Jesus. I hope you and yours are never in a position where you have to beg someone else for help only to hear "we owe you nothing." Some of y'all are acting like you built this country with your bare hands and that you're protecting it from howling Injuns coming to rape and pillage, instead of asylum seekers. One slight cosmic shift and it could've been any of us born in a country we needed to flee at some point. I highly recommend y'all read Home by Warsan Shire. An excerpt: All this is going to come back on us and we will pay, as a country. I don't know when and I don't know how but I firmly believe it. The bill always comes due.
  21. They are getting pounded. And not in the good way. Some of y'all may remember this from last year's Harvey thread but my grandpa's house was flooded then and he passed away before we could finish renovating after the flood. They updated EVERYTHING in that house, not just flood-damaged stuff. My parents just sold the house and it closes next week. Dad told me today the street is already underwater and they've gotten emergency alerts about the severe flash flooding - they didn't get those even during Harvey. I hope beyond hope these people don't get flooded again. This is my cousin's street in Bridge City.
  22. My pawpaw was a yellow dog Democrat. He was also racist AF. He stopped voting in 2008 because his options were a Republican or a black man.
  23. Yep. We don't bother trying to flip strong Cruz supporters. Once you ID yourself as such we make a note of it and you get a "Thanks and have a great day!" Then we move on. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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