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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Foosters

  1. No, dummy. A link to your claim that CA has decriminalized theft. I'm eager to inform the prosecutors who are currently prosecuting my clients for theft that their actions are illegal.
  2. Foosters


    I've been using tinctures a lot lately as my dispensary has been basically giving them away with a purchase. Same deal with edibles, for me - if I don't get the dosage right, I'm kinda screwed. With a pen/flower, you can always take an extra hit or two, no problem. With tinctures, gotta wait like an hour more for that second dose to add to the 1st
  3. You're not wrong, but the VAST majority of Americans who get popped for drug related charges are in local state and county courts. Areas that are strongly Dem have passed myriad statutes addressing these issues, creating diversion courts, changes in sentencing, etc. Of course, then the complaints roll in that they're greenlighting rampant drug use in cities, so....
  4. I remember watching VY in high school and being like, damn, that kid is going to be a star. Feeling pretty good about myself nowadays
  5. How did I survive 2-a-days in August? Black helmets, black practice jerseys, no shade. Honestly wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
  6. Manfred is so fucking unlikeable
  7. May have already been touched on, but the part in Miles where's he sings about the daughter not wanting to let go of his hand and asking if the little carnival is "just like Disneyland" fuuuuucks me up.
  8. The main difference between boomers and millennials and gen z, is boomers spent their 20s and 30s accumulating wealth and building a nest egg. When they got older, they did everything they could to protect those assets and preserve the system. People under 40 today have no real interest in preserving the status quo. They don't own houses, they're drowning in debt, and they're living paycheck to paycheck. If people truly vote with their wallets, then the future is not bright for the GOP.
  9. You're learning about the concept of jury trials for the first time today? You've seriously never considered that juries can get it wrong? That innocent people get convicted and guilty ones walk? Stop being such a fucking idiot
  10. In ancient Rome, Musk would've been killed off before he reached the age of 10. Just look at this guy
  11. Texas sends busload of 42 migrants to Los Angeles https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-06-14/texas-gov-greg-abbot-says-migrants-transported-to-los-angeles-by-bus-dropped-at-union-station-wednesday
  12. I'm not sure what point you think you're making. Its like I'm standing in a flooded house in a foot of water trying to repair a broken pipe while you're waiving charts at me to explain that there are many living creatures that can live in water.
  13. Since 1750, humans have increased the abundance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by nearly 50 percent. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/are-humans-causing-or-contributing-global-warming#:~:text=A net 5 billion metric,Learn more.
  14. May not have to. As aggy showed, Big XII appears to be a more difficult conference to navigate than the SEC.
  15. We can control the amount of CO2 we pump into the air. Its both sad and maddening that the talking points have shifted from "climate change is a hoax," to "yeah, ok its real, but there's really nothing we can do about it anyway." Isn't that convenient.
  16. I've already said that I agree with pretty much everything you've said, and that the Dems should not move on from Biden. You have presented an accurate snapshot of the state of potential Dem candidates. I'm simply pointing out the idiocy and mind-numbing discourse that gets us here. I know you already know that, I just used your post as a jumping off point.
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