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Everything posted by Tigersnake

  1. Man, these guys are good. It's going to suck when they stop being rebels and go back to working for the Empire.
  2. I've been a lurker since the Shaggy days, and treated the Cloak Room like it was radioactive until Election Day. I would have been whimpering in the corner sucking my thumb for the last few days without this as an outlet. Fuck Trump and Hook em'.
  3. Fantastic, thanks. If something does come up, though, I will gladly pay for Michael Rappoport's travel and lodging so long as he agrees to get the whole thing on video.
  4. Donald's old wealth is gone, for sure. I hope his legal issues tie him up, because I haven't seen anything out of this guy for the last ten years that makes me think he'd hesitate a second to leverage all of the classified intelligence he has had access to in order to find some way of digging out of the hole.
  5. There are many posts I'd rep, but I'm a surly poor . Let's get turnt, and win this fucker!!!
  6. Why don't you head on up to the second floor where you belong and hate fap with some sandpaper? Hook 'em.
  7. I actually think this is a fairly significant point of agreement, and appreciate your open mindedness. I believe the ideal is: start with kids and invest in their nutrition, education, nurturing, and continue helping through post secondary education.. Beyond that, ensure equity in access to capital. The main thing about the disadvantaged is that they don't bitch, moan, beg or complain generally. They grow up and they mostly don't participate. It's the top achievers who succeeded in spite of the challenges they faced that you hear, trying to lift up the people around them. The marginalized don't think anyone gives a shit, and mostly they're right.
  8. Fair point. Every family in America has the one member (at least) who probably shouldn't be allowed to handle the deep fryer unsupervised at Thanksgiving. Sane people have been arguing for years that, since we have so many morons in our country, we shouldn't work so damn hard to put a gun in as many morons' hands, with as little regulation as possible. Further, there is one side of the political spectrum expending tremendous effort to try to drastically reduce the number of morons by addressing the conditions in which they become so---there is no money or selfish upside to this, except that is dangerous to our country and our communities to continue this way. The other side has diametrically opposite priorities. Just look at the budgets.
  9. The big money types will have an astroturf movement created by their pros and then bankroll the heck out of it. They're very good at it, when they are in opposition. Contract with America, Tea Party. The dumb shits waving Trump flags were all wearing tri-corner hats and buckled shoes 10 years ago, pretending they had even once read the Constitution. Now they get to roll coal and wave their truck nuts at Biden buses, which is more fun, but they'll be there for whatever stupid shit is in store for the future. IMNSHO
  10. And yet, there is your voice uncowed into submission by the mean libtards. Good for you.
  11. There is a strain of masochism in every sports fan who is loyal to one team. Embrace it Opus Dei style. Hook 'em.
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