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Everything posted by Bookman

  1. Trump often talked about bringing charges against his political opponent, but Sleepy Joe had the cahones to actually do it. Sounds like an effective leader to me.
  2. This indictment has reminded me of the "Four Seasons Landscaping" thing and how entertaining it all has been.
  3. I wonder what Mar-a-Lago is going to look like in GTA 6.
  4. I assume he thinks it's his only shot. Or, maybe he's just trying to cash out while he still has name-recognition.
  5. "Gave Up" is one of the best things he's ever done.
  6. Yeah I remember a partner at my old law firm said she voted for Trump because he was such a good businessman. She was dead serious too.
  7. That's because you are using reason. Try hitting yourself in the head with a hammer a few times.
  8. Maybe I should buy some land in Alaska while it's still cheap.
  9. Do you think my question isn’t honest?
  10. I'm not going to post a link, but there's a Twitter debate where some are arguing that Biden claimed he cured cancer. It's just so fucking stupid. Are people this stupid in other countries?
  11. I can understand disagreeing with him politically, but how do you not like the guy? He's perfect for that job and he does it well.
  12. Thinking of getting a greenhouse. I live in San Antonio. Any thoughts?
  13. White people, and in particular white southerners, have suffered long enough. They gave everything! Think of those who died in service to their slaves, to protect their fundamental, human right to teach and confer benefits unto them!
  14. I'm 47 and in the same boat. I have zero desire to do anything between 2:30 and 6:00.
  15. You mean "six-time bankrupt."
  16. Trump is so popular, he can commit rape, murder, arson, and rape without losing any support.
  17. Wow, who would have thought that lying and fraudulently submitting governmental paperwork was illegal? They were just exercising their first amendment right to commit fraud! This is political speech!
  18. I can honestly say I've never bet 80 bb into an actual pot of 17 bb, much less with pocket eights.
  19. I was in grade school in the early 80's and we definitely had nuclear bomb drills at school.
  20. I'm a fan of her sweater puppies.
  21. It's fucking hot. I don't even want to be outside. Thank God for air conditioned seats.
  22. https://apnews.com/article/rudy-giuliani-disbarment-law-license-trump-11f1d0716cc66f6706e2a1ac16f931b0 Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha.
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