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Everything posted by Bookman

  1. How long until Twitter goes bankrupt and the old owners buy it for like 15 billion?
  2. How can they prevent people from leaving? Isn't that kidnapping?
  3. It's early and I am trying out decaf, but is Scott Adams is saying this is worse for Democrats than losing the race?
  4. And you have to remember that 4-8 is in the SEC. That's like 11-1 in other conferences.
  5. If the Texags politics board is any indication, then Republicans simply have no idea why they didn't do well this election. It's like they live in an alternative reality.
  6. It's Elon Musk's attorney Alex Spiro who is telling them that. Is that legal advice? Has he just created an attorney/client relationship with all those employees?
  7. I wonder if they have a cause of action against Twitter.
  8. They never said that. Lawyers are very good at lying.
  9. Roe is dead because Trump was elected and he did what he said he'd do.
  10. Yes, it's three hours long, and it's a Black Panther movie without Black Panther, but I thought it was really well done.
  11. I just saw the picture of Mario flipping the bird and I can't fucking stop laughing. Help I can't breathe.
  12. This Twitter thing is a mess. Elon Musk looks like he walked in without a plan, like a complete amateur.
  13. https://www.theonion.com/smiling-fetterman-asks-oz-if-he-d-mind-slowly-repeating-1849763117
  14. Maybe we should have a nationwide database of all people and how they voted!
  15. Then $45 billion sounds like a pretty good deal.
  16. If Elon really wants to make money with Twitter he should turn it into a porn site.
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