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Everything posted by hayden_horn

  1. i always love it when non beer drinking politicians get all beer hard. the way he's handling that beer bottle makes it pretty clear he hasn't had a beer outside of a glass recently. if at all.
  2. maybe consider that a lot of folks in this country are not liquid enough to float a couple weeks at a hotel. maybe think about the fact that a lot of folks in this country have the majority of their wealth tied up in their real estate, such as it is, or in their belongings. maybe imagine facing the prospect of actually losing everything you own whilst your back account has maybe $100 in it because it's the end of the month and payday is tomorrow or friday for a lot of folks living paycheck to paycheck. imagine for a second being in a situation where it seems more rational and reasonable to stay and protect what you can rather than drive...somewhere and become homeless in your car until sometime when your service job becomes available again or you can find work soon to finance both deductibles and repairs to fix your living situation. just imagine for a second living a life where there is no place to go and no safeguards for your well being.
  3. yeah, and i know you know this, but that's because this law isn't about his stated policy goal at all, he's just engaging the talking points about it. when someone asks you to think of the children, you should be immediately suspect of that motherfucker. it's not about the kids. fuck them kids. it's about control. it's always about control.
  4. it felt positively chilly down south of austin when that cold front brought us just below 100. i loved it. that's where we are. and i can't say what i think about this summer vs 2011. not right now. but let's get this shit over with, fuck
  5. ron: hmm, they are booing, oh, shit, well, i guess she's taking the mic. what's her name again? i don't know, but these people are sure maed at me. okay, look like that was planned. we're okay with this. i think. i don't know. look normal. what's normal look like? i don't really know, so i'ma just stand here and look like a potato casey: oh, fuck, these people are booing this useless ass husband of mine. i can't even look at him, oh my god that bitch just took his microphone, where's my trusted black guy in this sea of angry blacks, oh there you are big man, can you believe this shit, you told me this would be alright we're just trying to help FUCK! okay, casey, don't forget, smile real big, even when the cock is right in your ass!
  6. you are a joke. sorry but you are a fucking joke. Your party is a joke and you can take your guns and shove them all the way up your asshole. eat shit.
  7. jesus fucking christ talk about finding a way to fucking lose
  8. i was told by a relative that "if i believed that, then i believed lina hidalgo runs things around here." a more daring relative asked the gentleman kindly "wait, i'm confused then, who does run harris county?" and he sort of smirked and gasped at the same time while turning on his heel and saying "oh, you know who!" classic stuff. anyways, i've been a fan of hidalgo's for awhile. hate to see anything stick to her, but damn if they aren't trying, so she's doing a metric fuckton correctly, imo
  9. if I've learned one thing from starting up late and getting stoned and watching ancient aliens, is that you can say whatever batshit you want and as long as you are just asking questions, you're all good. "some ancient alien theorists think that..."
  10. for fucking real. it wasn't just a flppant throwaway line either. he's thought about what sort of gold domed suite vlad might offer him, without realizing that vlad might go full khal drogo dothraki on his ass and give him the gold dome: vlad is not a nice person. surely trump knows this, but for some reason he thinks that he'll be treated "in kind" by evil dictators around the globe.
  11. i won't even vote for a judge who wants to identify as republican even out of political necessity. i'm a hard fuck you to republicans and i used to be a pretty friendly local vote.
  12. man, all i did was sneak up behind my guy and smash his head into the pe clothes baskets.
  13. um, i was led to understand that there is money in the banana stand.
  14. class was.... .... .... ... .... .... NOT added.
  15. man did i love to make fun of his writing especially during the mack years. but he was a good one. RIP good sir.
  16. what's interesting about fishes was how normal that all seemed to me. my wife had to pause it three or four times to catch her breath. and i realized, fuck, if that shit is normalized to me, then what kind of fucked up trauma am i dealing with?
  17. the most concerning number there is the 74.2 million. the fuck are 11.2 million MORE people voting for trump after his disaster of a term? i get a ferw more here and there and covid was a major complicating factor that made people a little bit woowoo about shit, but that rings alarm bells for me. maybe they are the ones doing the voter fraud.
  18. this is why you never never never never shake a baby. oh shit wait
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