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Everything posted by hayden_horn

  1. florida man elected governor by florida man
  2. it was duck dynasty and bucees first. they made all this possible through bro country. sorry if that makes you bucees fans uncomfortable but growth and change are hard.
  3. non human biologics doesn't mean extra terrestrial biological material. it could mean a fucking potted plant. there's some kind of bait and switch going on here but I'm too lazy to figure it out
  4. as anyone who has made a life out of being smashed most of the time and trying specatcularly badly to pretend otherwise, i may or may not be able to tell you exactly what happened there. a very quick moment of vertigo, followed by a "oh shit don't fall, just stay upright you muppet," internal desperate monologue (this may or may not include a despearate plea for your body not to vomit), followed by an "oh shit, what was i saying and why is everyone looking at me like i did something wrong" moment followed by the "ok well, fuck it, let's focus on riding this out and staying upright and the rest will solve itself" and that's when someone usually comes and gets you and takes you away. drunks, drug addicts, and very old people have these moments.
  5. you know, i've always wondered if roswell wasn't some fucked up russian experiment gone bad. i mean, we have chinese spy ballons in 2023, right? why not russian spy balloins in the 50s? and maybe the "non human biologics" were just crash landed human bodies. could be little people or whatever the russians decided to put into their spy balloons like we used to put monkeys into space. makes sense with the jet stream to release some people up, because you're evil communist russia, to see if they can go around the globe on the prevailing winds. something goes wrong, they crash in a new mexican desert. there's some weird russian tech on there, and the bodies are twisted and mangled and not usaaf type humans, so they are spirited away for processing or whatever. rumors spread, and it's aliens, when it's really russians, and maybe it's better to let the story twist in the nonsensical wind for awhile than worry everyone that our nuclear cold war enemy could easy drop a nuke on us from a weather balloon without detection.
  6. look yall, i don't really think this is hard. there are certain hard slurs that are going to get you the old suspension. everyone knows these. one of them: faggot, did not used to be bannable. as a matter of fact, i used it up until about 15 years ago (? somewhere around there? i dunno, i'm getting old) myself to express extreme displeasure at a person while driving. i rationalized it, of course, by saying things like "i don't mean that person is gay" or "i don't mean that being gay makes one a fucking terrible dumbass on the road" but the truth of it was i was using a hateful word in a hateful way. i had too many gay friends in my life to be doing such an immature thing. so i made a conscious decision to stop saying it. recently, i've made more conscious decisions to be more careful about gender language, like using the words bitch and the like. not everyone needs to do that, and i'm not trying to fish for compliments because fuck you, but it's a thing i'm working on. i think "retarded" is such a word. i used it for years and years, up until recently, even. probably less than a decade ago i stopped. why? because i knew too many other parents with developmentally different kids. it was the exposure and the personal connections that changed how i thought about that stuff. my dad was a racist with the known "good guys" caveat. he didn't mean nigger to mean all black people. just all the black people except the known good ones. and fuck the rest if they couldn't take a joke. that was his mindset. that is not a healthy mindset. it's okay to change. you don't have to resist all change. change can be good. you'll feel better if you stop using the word retard. i can't explain it, but it's true. i feel better trying not to say things like "stop being a little bitch." i don't always succeed, but i'm trying to be better. and i think that's worth effort, being a little bit better each day, if we can. if someone tells you that you've offended them, you can immediately do one of two things: 1) tell them to go fuck themselves you'll say what you want, which is okay, or 2) think about it for a minute, take the person at face value that they are offended, and say "ok, sorry about that, i didn't know that was offensive, i won't use that word for that again." the first costs a ton of emotional energy, the second costs a little tiny bit of effort and no other real energy other than trying to be more mindful of people around you. THE HORROR.
  7. like, i want to fight this man in a wheelchair. i don't even care if it's a fair fight. what has he become or was he always this way?
  8. i agree with braff here. don't think doobie has crossed any political lines. maybe logical ones, but that's not out of the norm around here. stealing tips, huh? well, see ya later. there's no space at all for that shit. if you are using tips to subsidize wages, then that is part of remuneration. i ain't no attorney, but you can't just take tips from employees, tip jar/minimum wage or not. that's a terrible policy. just fucking terrible. that said, they've changed it. maybe could be a bit more apologetic about it, but whatever. the question to me was asked earlier. when do they reach the threshold of grace and forgiveness? never? i'm ok with that for stealing tips. but i'm okay with a little contrition and change going forward.
  9. also, son of a bitch about paul. the internet was never really for him or good for his soul. i hope he found some happiness somewhere in new mexico, sharpening up those mower blades in his garage. for some reason, that's the story that sticks out to me. asking for advice on picking up chicks, then inviting one over while he was sharpening his lawnmower blades. poor soul.
  10. maybe i'm conflating memories, then. that would be very possible. jason aldean's whereabouts might have been unknown, but what was known what that he still sucked.
  11. clearly i've not been payng attention. this dude ws anti vax, i remember that. i just figured "oh, i dunno, weird older kennedy is antivax, whatever" but i honestly had no idea the platform he commanded, and how much his weirdness is important to republicans.
  12. he showed up, i swear. he was late, but i distinctly remember thinking "oh shit, these two dudes are sharing the same space" but i remember it being remarkably chill. to bring this back to the thread topic: jason aldean is everything that is wrong with country music today.
  13. wait, paul passed away? hitbyatrain. i remember meeting them both i want to say at shoal creek saloon. think i met northloop there once. maybe it was the same time hell, i met you at doc's i want to say. with a bunch of other internet dudes. totally normal stuff.
  14. thought it was nine irons at midnight, hancock. lol. the internet is a weird place
  15. i remember feeling kind of shitty about the whole thing by the end. but we are talking 2011 era me who wasn't quite right in the head himself
  16. if i went in and I'm not inventing a memory, the dude was actually very nice but not all that bright. easily suggestible let's say
  17. separate incidents gif the first was years ago as i recall it branding iron was going to show up on a jaguar or some sort to fight a guy. something happened but it wasn't a fight but i don't remember. the second one was also years ago jesus christ I'm old now. the fence thing was in a neighborhood near me in south Austin. i drove by and took pictures? maybe i went in? i forget. but that was the dude that tore down his own fence to prove to the neighbor with an overnight light just how aggie he was.
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