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Everything posted by hayden_horn

  1. so i just saw this movie. i guess i was underwhelmed? is that the feeling i'm having? i had such high expectations, but it was just a beautiful mess. the action was top notch. artful, ugly, beautiful, gross, all the things i've come to expect from john wick. i mean, who the fuck is the guy with the dog? he's nobody but he demands an exhorbitantly high bounty, yet no one knows who he is? but i guess he has a dog who is trained to grab deez nuts? it's comedy but it's boring and puerile. and i'm a juvenile idiot like the rest of you. and while we are talking bounties - these disposable hit men are video game annoying. more than that, some of them seem like they spent more on the attempt on wick's life than it was worth. his bounty, given his "worth" in the universe is way out of wack. $20 million for the most dangerous dude in the world? even the $40m later seems petty for the life of john wick, given all the waste he's lain to whatever this organization is over the past two months or whatever. and because he has a dog, and john wick likes dogs, that's the connection, but i still don't see the point. is the movie really any different without that guy? i liked the donnie yen character as a complicated and unwilling villain, though. the after credits scene, while good, i guess, was jarring in the john wick universe. yeah, yeah, consequences, blah blah. winston is reduced to just an extra con man, maybe because of the star playing him? ian mcshane is brilliant, but just wasted in the show. winston always has "an angle" according to john, but in the past he's been more helpful for personal reasons. he didn't need to upset the apple cart just to right it again. he enjoyed being the agent of chaos, i guess, but more of a witness to it than originally an agent of it. anyways, sure, i guess he's john's second but that's the only role he plays, other than witnessing charon's rather unglorious death (rip, sir). so right there, we have two characters who don't make any goddamn sense in the narrative. i dunno, it just delt out of place in the john wick world, which, if im honest, i guess 3 did as well for me. i mean, if john wick is going to burn it all down because of his wife and dog, then burn it all down, but at least define what it is. we have the marquis. who empowers that fucker? do i even care? the whole thing kind of reminds me of the promise of the matrix, then the reality of the second and third movies as it became apparent that they had no idea where they were going. but, as far as violence porn goes, it was amazing. just beautiful.
  2. i don't really know, but i think it's waterloo for 102.7.
  3. yeah you can't just "move" Redstone arsenal any more than we should rethink military deployment based on politics. that starts taking us down a dangerous road also you can't just build up another davidson.
  4. this is a good point. i'm not a sign of the times, necessarily, because i'm still a huge football fan and have season tickets this season again, but my kids couldn't give a shit, despite my best efforts. they are 16 and 15 boys now. it's just different interests. even my fandom has waned - i used to be able to damn near name the two deep. now i can sometimes name the starters, sometimes. i don't die with the losses any longer - maybe i'm inured. who knows. my spend will probably continue to go down in the near future as well. i've listened to less talk radio generally since covid, and almost no sports radio unless there is a national story. but it still boggles my mind that you can't make the flagship station of the university of texas and the dallas cowboys broadcasts a profitable venture.
  5. he gets to stew for two more weeks now. and next time, i'm tempted to permaban. you can't just come in here posting like a anti-lgbtq+ fuckstick and then come back and start in on the fucking non-additive insults again. cards, brother's kids, etc.
  6. man, i went on vacation and my lawn was green and coming in nicely. now that i'm back, all i see is ruin and destruction. i feel like i need a pack of cigarettes so i can look proper when i'm spraying my backyard down after sunset just to try and stop it cooking.
  7. yeah, i love tax cuts. i mean, i never see tax cuts, somehow it always seems to go the other way, but i'm assured that if it went the other way it'd still go the other way? i dunno. am i on cr? good.
  8. yeah, this was a sad end to a great show. i mean, it was realistic, and sometimes reality is fucking boring. happens to shows all the time - they get lost in the characters so much that the premise loses its meaning. it's a fine mistake to make, but it's still a mistake, imo
  9. i must live in the world's most protective bubble. i played plenty of sports and while sometimes things got a little weirdly homoerotic under the guise of totally not being gay, sexual assault was not even close to on the table. regular old physical assault? sure, i got my ass kicked all the time being a small dude. but i never got my ass humped. pretty sure the second that happened, i'd have peaced the fuck out.
  10. actually, the very best comedians are all heartbroken. i never got the hate for trevor noah. most of the people who hated him seemed to hate stewart too? i dunno, it's a weird dynamic. you can never take over from a master of his craft without some hate. but he did a good job, made it his own, and i just don't get the hate. if you didn't like him, i dunno, don't watch? very confusing.
  11. i'm just trying to understand why. keep in mind, i'm an old guy who listened to b&e basically my entire adult life when i commuted to work. i still listen to the mornings with matt and bob show on podcast, because i want all the content without the wrappings or music and commercials. how they haven't been able to monetize that is beyond me. but i'm also a market analyst whose job is to give advice on business models and strategies. i see failure everywhere. but i cannot seem to understand what the numbers for radio are, because no one really knows, because there are no accurate metrics. but you've got to tell me you can't get someone who runs a taco truck selling $2 tacos and balances their books and a big time radio station (even a dying medium) can't figure out how to make money? this is like sears failing because of a catalog mail order business has taken over their market sector. dude, you fucking invented that sector, how can you lose there?
  12. i have to be honest, when massive entertainment type layoffs like this happen, it's rarely a surprise. what is a surprise is who they choose to let go vs who they choose to keep. these espn layoffs don't make a lot of sense.
  13. fuck's sake, i got goosebumps. i thought the joker was the role joaquin was destined to play. never did i think of him as napoleon. jesus christ, that's perfect.
  14. i mean, make fun of her all you want, but she's trying. i don't agree with a lot of her politics, to the extent that she really has any real principles that aren't wrapped up in someone's, anyone's approval, but i have to be honest: compare and contrast her performance with the rest of the council over the past decade.
  15. i feel like they had to misinterpreting what market data they were getting, or i'm clearly not the center of the universe that i think i am. high school sports probably has its place on local sports radio. at 9am on a Saturday morning. or 7pm on a thursday night. not all over the station at all hours, unless the story is exceptional in some way. otherwise, if you cannot fill a day's worth of work with content featuring, in no particular order, the longhorns, austin fc (which, by extension, i guess, means some coverage of dallas and houston clubs also), the texas rangers, the houston astros, the dallas cowboys, the houston texans, the dallas mavericks, the houston rockets, the san antonio spurs, texas a&m shit, texas tech shit, and now new sec bullshit? fuck's sake. content isn't the problem. it's either the buisiness model, or someone is stealing. and, i guess, terrestrial radio and local tv is broken and no one seems to know how to fix it by trying to crowbar in as many low cost ads as possible.
  16. that's what i don't get, though. like the longhorn network, there is tons of fucking content out there, just waiting for eyes and ears, but they left most of it out there on the table. but even so, the math should be able to work out. the fuck does an ad spot cost these days? why are we still doing traditional noise pollution advertising in the first place?
  17. i got lots of problems but my legs ain't one. i ain't ashamed of that. i wear underwear. boxer briefs, in fact. nevertheless, those shorty shorts are gonna give people a glimpse of the goods. i also hate wearing clingy shirts. i'm an old grumpy man
  18. following the cnn si model which worked so well.
  19. it's beyond weird how this seems to always end up. this ain't dallas or philly, but this is a sports town. how we can't get a fucking decent sports radio station in the 10th largest city in the country is beyond me, but it's far from the only growing up austin has left to do.
  20. i just don't understand the radio business, i guess. maybe it's the cost of living and rent for studio space has gone through the roof, and from what i understand, they were using some prime real estate. but there has got to be a way to balance the books on a sports content terrestrial radio show in austin fucking texas, even if the general consensus is that the medium is supposedly dying. dying like newspapers, in the race to the bottom and the inability to figure out a revenue model not based in the 18th century, it's always the content. you make good content and people will consume it. find a way to make terrestrial radio work without 20 minutes of commercials an hour. that's 1/3 of your listener's time, when there are podcasts and spotify out there. fuck's sake, get it together, radio. shorter breaks, charge more for ads, fuck i dunno. think differently. oh, and pay talent, stop paying admin. but that's everywhere.
  21. listen, i love the butt cheek inseam fashion trend for ladies but i just don't get the 5 inch inseam thing for dudes these days. i am nothing at all special and I'm a grower, not a shower and even my dong is gonna peek out of those shorty shorts. what is happening?
  22. twitter embeds are a good ad the poster sourcing the information. might as well complain at the link posting accepted practice. if there is misinformation, highlight it and refute it just like anyone would a zerohedge link. it's a little weird that twitter embed functionality is your singular misinformation fetish.
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