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Everything posted by hayden_horn

  1. um, ok? congrats on your daily texas "news" trump indictment thread that's totally not political. my advice, should you wish to take it: solve you fucking problem for yourself by going to daily texan and making a totally not political "news" thread about our government being for sale, right out in the open, and nobody giving a fuck. you won't though, because the only fucks this thread seems to stir in you are the fucks having to do with cloak room vs daily texan bullshit. which i find weird, but i always have.
  2. yet, here we are in the cloak room, discussing this blatant corruption as both a news story and a political story. most of the threads in the cloak room start from a news story of some kind. that usually generates discussion around what should politically happen because of that news story, or maybe nothing should happen, fuck i dunno. do you want a daily texan thread about this? how long will it take before a naked political corruption in texas "news" story doesn't go full cloak room. i'm still really just not understanding your beef here.
  3. what's a dial of destiny oh shit it's somehow about time travel gtfo
  4. not sure what you're getting at. is your position that you would like this thread to be locked?
  5. i'm confused. do some of yall want this in the daily texan? this seems like politics, and we are all on...checks notes...the politics board?
  6. wow. it's almost like you've taken a critical thinking problem solving type of approach to this issue. you big dummy.
  7. generally, if you live life by this maxim, you're going to be alright.
  8. my in laws had their home invaded by two homeless methy dudes. one of these dudes stole my mother in law's car and subsequently wrecked it after driving it erratically and recklessly. both these dudes are shown clear as the fucking day on the ring doorbell. have the cops even viewed the video? lol.
  9. honestly, i'm not here to carry water for garza. i don't really give a fuck. i just don't think he's some archvillain waiting for cases to come across his desk so he can expressly fuck over his constituents. you can disagree with his approach, sure. travis has always had a reputation amongst surrounding counties for being "light" on crime. austin just picks its battles differently.
  10. i don't drink any more, but damned if i won't be outside with a pack of smokes and some kind of boozy something enjoying a proper fall day. one of my favorite random memories is going to lunch at contessa (rip) and sitting out with hallmates by the pool and smoking as a cold front, the first real one of the year, blew in and dropped the temperature by about 20 degrees in the span of one cigarette.
  11. i read or heard somewhere that the average ac in the average house is good for about 30 degrees of cooling. if you've got good insulation and a newer unit, maybe 35-40 degrees? so if it's 115 outside...welp, you're gonna get to about 75-80 with the unit trying as hard as it can without freezing over.
  12. yes yes yes. the fact they (and financial analysts frankly) place so much value on nflx still blows my mind but it's all based on growth kpis measured in subs. they and the isps know exactly how much netflix is watched. everyone will get killed. it's kind of a tarantino mexican standoff.
  13. that was a specific thing my family member mentioned. how this nothing underdog movie about child trafficking is knocking off all the big boys in hollywood including indiana jones and the dail of whatever the fuck. my answer was something vague like "well, who knows what box office measures these days with early streaming releases, etc" even though i know exactly how that shit is calculated. so i guess this show is really showing the hollywood liberal elite?
  14. ouch, that hits a little close to home.
  15. do you think this was done intentionally by the district attorney to inflict pain on the city populace for...reasons? votes? district attorneys are fucking cops. their jobs are to destroy lives and punish people to the extent allowed by law. slam dunk felony prosecutions are not simply dispensed with just because. most prosecutors want as many convictions under their belt that they can get. so do you contend that this district attorney's office took a look at the merits of this case, tried to measure whether his resources are better served prosecuting criminals without established mental health commitment papers, and made an informed decision on what else to prosecute? or is the district attorney waiting on cases like this to come in, with bated breath, rubbing his hands together. just fucking stroking his boner over the chance to release another violent homeless person on the public?
  16. i just tried to sit on the porch and make a phone call. my porch faces east, so i thought i'd be fine. it's a fucking sauna out there.
  17. prosecute who for what, exactly? to what end?
  18. lol, i don't know the weather guy from anyone, but he went looking for that wreck with that dashcam. i mean, people should not road rage, but that was a clear merge situation signal or not. i think this ended exactly how the weatherman wanted, even if he wasn't conscious of that at all.
  19. fucking hell do we have the same supplier
  20. i once had a sales training from a british guy, real stuffy fucker, and quite a bully - every session, he picked the weak link and just punished them verbally. for some reason, he liked me well enough not to make me subject of his targeting, but i always felt bad for the folks he chose. anyways, his stance, as "ownership" was that if there is a strike of any kind, it's from a failure of management or ownership. end of story. his stance was that fundamentally people want to work, they don't want to strike, but they want to make a living. if it comes to basic voluntarily not working to make a point, then the threshold of pain has already been passed, and probably a long time ago when you weren't paying close enough attention. he always said that capital exists because of labor. this was a died in the wool tory, but he actually seemed to have his eyes on the prize, generally, which is amicable compromise where everyone makes some money. "unnamed studio executive" is everything wrong with executive "leadership" these days.
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