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Everything posted by hayden_horn

  1. so it hasn't been 90 days. i mean, it's got to be rehab. or nervous breakdown. or something actually fairly normal that they could humanize instead of myster-ize. but whatever
  2. has it been 90 days yet? how long since she disappeared?
  3. no fucking shit no wonder the kids hate you olds. good christ the insufferability level on this thread fucking exceeds 11.
  4. don't sleep on wkt or stench i fucking love graffiti.
  5. wait wait i just want to be clear here....yall suggesting that elon might be on some real drugs?
  6. or i mean there's the rest of the fucking internet what's amazing is the total lack of awareness from the voters to the policy makers.
  7. yeah so the obvious answer to a circle c wife disappearing for 3 months usually has to do with booze and opioids. we all know what's in those yetis, ladies. the stanley upgrade is more concerning but i digress. shit, she just probably needed a good drying out after a particularly shit year and especially bad holidays and she went in for the iv and bananas and oranges and cigarettes and oh shit they discovered she didn't need a dry January but a full emergency detox from drinking six bottles of wine daily or something wild
  8. love the neti pot for cats. or the car wash. whatever it is it fucking rocks
  9. it is as ominous as all that though. he knows exactly how to say what he's saying. it's how he did jan 6. like, exactly how he did it
  10. lol elon didn't want an interview he wanted a blowjob. also tesla is one of those stocks where the fundamentals never mattered
  11. the fuck have yall been? i used to send money to managua via western union to some random person to fund my online offshore account i had in college 25 fucking years ago. made a ton of beer money off that thank you dallas stars especially
  12. she's seen that dude's o face willingly on multiple occasions. i can never take her seriously again. oh also she totes got elon into the hard drugs. allegedly.
  13. well holy shit we gonna get naoch or both tacos or what
  14. well this is fucking hilarious no matter who posted it goddammit that's funny
  15. i think he's trying to differentiate his English from his Latin from his Portuguese by changing his accent. I dunno
  16. it doesnt have to make sense. does it make you scream "im not owned im not owned" as you shrink and transform into a corn cob? MISSION ACCOMPLISHED LIBS OWNED
  17. it is incredible how out of touch they are. the optics of putting a rising woman star in...a...kitchen...talking...BUT WHATABOUTTHECHILDREN? bullshit
  18. it's so bad. come into my gigantic white person house and i will connect to you with wesley and ridgeway
  19. if this was a man they'd call him hysterical
  20. what about the global caliphate? PRAYER RUGS IN MEXICO YALL
  21. I am high af but this cracked me up i drive around austin every day wondering when that border invasion is going to show up
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