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Everything posted by hayden_horn

  1. this guy? he's fucking killing it but i guess he stuttered a few times or something
  2. yes and worth every penny and more
  3. i so understand that fent is opiod. I'm fully aware of what that is, what a problem it is, etc. what i am not understanding is the market. crack makes sense because it's a pure product that gets stepped on and transformed. but usually drug people don't cut drugs with better more potent drugs. usually that's not how it works
  4. so I'm still confused who is taking the fent? skid row types? if that is the case why do people spend blood and treasure smuggling this shit? crack made sense. fent does not. there's got to be another market also I'm still confused on fent's role in the market. is it the product or the dilutant in the product that kills people? where is the goddamn fent money
  5. that's where the messaging of central fent kills breaks down though. omigod they are going to give it to our kids in Halloween candy is a bunch of pearl clutching nonsense but that seems to be where we are. who is buying this. why? how much is it? how can we tell it from a xanbar?
  6. but it makes no sense to cut your shit with poison. it has a value or else it wouldn't be coming. what is its value? it cannot be simply a diluting agent. that makes no sense
  7. so obviously people are doing fentanyl. lots of it. who are the people who are the repeat customers?
  8. it's just the city council two step. they do it all the time to ensure elite white folks are the only voters who know what's at stake
  9. lol yeah how short memories are. remember the whole rideshare fuckshow?
  10. yeah how was casulo still even open much less standing. that's got to be an insurance burn if there ever was one
  11. amazed so far how they've handled so many pivotal scenes and characters. i love it
  12. also if you consider yourself actually Christian then you might want to rethink the whole nationalist part of the equation. it's a fucking contradiction in terms
  13. well generally just start with whichever is the most cruel amd go with that it's a religion built on torture porn
  14. since you brought it up i would say that yeah you are a christian nationalist to the point of excluding any other point of view
  15. now do their stock price. uber is a perfect example of enshittening. disrupt with innovation. then displace with crazy vc money getting unrealistic customer lock in. then replace that with something only marginally better than what you disrupted in the first place. your last sentence captures it. it's become a taxi company which is what it was supposed to disrupt, not become.
  16. that's weird. uber just posted record profits the last couple of quarters. I'm sure that's totally unrelated
  17. at&t really fucked this off. they still haven't really addressed it satisfactorily. I'm not sure how this isn't a bigger story
  18. yall laugh but austin recently hosted a potato convention. for real.
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