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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. I hope Chuck's twitter will be back in 2 and 2
  2. Find Something New Be Best we are living in truly inspirations times
  3. Huh I didn't realize that Pete Sessions's opponent is even worse than he is? How can that be?? He's a fucking unindicted co-conspirator. I know, I know, Republican party and all..but wonder if she tried to make any hay of that. Or perhaps it's a badge of honor to stand with the Trump corruption.
  4. Ok, is he Kang or Kodos? My money's on Kodos.
  5. God bless Stiv Bators: This is the Lord's prayer There's no saviour out there There ain't no one else who cares Don't look to me for absolution There ain't no clandestine solution Life's a crime of passion Designed for direct action There ain't no justice out there This is the Lord's prayer Without each other we're nowhere This is the Lord's prayer The lamb's been slaughtered War's been declared This is the Lord's prayer Only the devil may care This is the Lord's prayer What we need is strength of purpose To reverse all they taught us If prejudice is all you learned in school It's up to us to break the rules I'll recruit a ragged army Before I let your hatred scar me This is the Lord's prayer Nobody's gonna help you fight your fears Better start livin' while you're still here I heard God screaming through his tears He said I ain't comin' I ain't comin' Save yourself There ain't no saviour out there Your stairway to heaven leads nowhere Don't look to me for emancipation You are your only salvation There ain't no justice out there This is the Lord's prayer Said I ain't comin', save yourself
  6. hey so too lazy to google but when did the Czech Republic become "Czechia" ...what's the deal with that [Seinfeld]
  7. He received campaign cash in exchange for helping with Lev Parnas & co's shenanigans with Rudy to oust Marie Yovanovich, and generally ride the Russian corruption and grifting train. https://www.texastribune.org/2019/10/10/pete-sessions-congressman-1-guliani-associates-indictment/
  8. Funny how nothing ever came out about Pete Sessions' Ukraine fiasco and the fact that he is "Congressman 1" in a gotdamn federal indictment
  9. Interesting. I haven't finished the series but have attended many a legal conference w/Patricia Cummings at which she gave talks about Michael Morton, actual innocence, false confessions, etc. All I can say is she seemed like a genuinely ethical person who was always very friendly and approachable. One of these continuing legal ed. conferences occurred after the Kelly conviction, and she did address it. She had a very pained demeanor and said she really doesn't know what happened -- that they all expected he would be acquitted. I think that was true of nearly all of us in the crim. legal field at the time -- I know I was expecting acquittal, particularly after the shitshow of the 2nd kid recanting and the prosecution not even asking to take a pause. Anyway, no further insight, but hearing hints of episodes 3-5, it's disappointing and disheartening to hear what seems to have gone on w/Cummings and knowing she was well-liked and respected by her peers. I do think the ineffective assistance claim would have been a hard sell given that it's not unreasonable, per se, to strategize that the offense(s) simply didn't occur.
  10. I voted with my first disabled mail-in ballot ever, and put it in the post office collection box today. It felt very civilized to mark my damned ballot in the comfort of my own home. [Rik Mayall] look out I'm disabled!
  11. It's like racism. Some people won't acknowledge or care that it exists until it affects them personally. These people are also known as Assholes.
  12. This was a fun survey to take, with the space to fill in answers and all. They got an earful from "Franz Schickelgruber." https://action.donaldjtrump.com/the-msm-survey-accountability/?utm_medium=ad&utm_source=dp_googlesd&utm_campaign=20200203_na_mediaaccountability_djt_tmagacpros_ocpmylea_bh_audience0567_creative03389_na_us_b_18-99_gdnw_all_na_lp0088_acq_leads_static_300_250_na&utm_content=pol&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrZXA_uS76gIVYBL5AB3ylwxMEAEYASAAEgJvUPD_BwE
  13. Same. Vote for Siegel, he has a non-trivial shot.
  14. SIAP https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/the-supreme-court-just-handed-down-some-truly-awful-news-for-voting-rights/ar-BB16j38M Sample: Notably, the Supreme Court’s order in Merrill was joined only by the Court’s five Republicans. All four Democratic appointees dissented. Neither side explained why they voted the way that they did. The Texas case The Texas case, meanwhile, is Texas Democratic Party v. Abbott, and the stakes in that case are simply enormous. Texas law permits voters over the age of 65 to request absentee ballots without difficulty. But most voters under the age of 65 are not allowed to vote absentee. During a pandemic election, that means that older voters — a demographic that has historically favored Republicans over Democrats — will have a fairly easy time participating in the November election. But younger voters will likely have to risk infection at an in-person polling site if they wish to cast a ballot. The Court’s order in Texas Democratic Party is subtle, but it most likely means that Texas will be able to deny or abridge the right to vote on account of age, at least during the November election.
  15. How is it possible that so many of these fucking dipshit R's planning their convention have a "medical condition" that prevents their use of a mask? Such horseshit. Jan Duncan, if you have such a condition then perhaps stay the fuck home and respect others, as opposed to all the HEB and other visits you plainly state you're making all the time. My dad has a fucking incurable lung condition of fibrosis, that no one knows why it happened, that impedes his breathing. He only goes to dr. appointments but when he does, he fucking wears a mask. Because you know what would make it even harder for him to breathe? Covid. And death. Because if he gets this shit, it's lights out. But the shitstains in charge of running our state can't be bothered to respect anything but their fucking bullshit fake feelings and rights regarding wearing a piece of gotdamn cloth.
  16. His name is pronounced Tooberville. A tuber is a potato. I hope he doesn't die in a fire. But if he dies, he dies.
  17. Does she have some sort of injury that prevents her from holding her head up straight?
  18. I really want to punch this blonde man in the head.
  19. I feel like the anger that is correlated with the very stupid exists because the very stupid are angry at themselves, deep down.
  20. it should be simple enough tp prove that he was informed.
  21. Oh yes, I remember Moe's portrayal of Hitler, it was awesome. They cleverly fictionalized the character as "Franz Schickelgruber." No lie.
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