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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hate

  1. Hate

    2023 Drunk Thread

    I guess I'll have to kick off the weekend as the only drunk? OK, I don't mind.
  2. Hate


    lol...she whored her daughter out because she was a brat?? She needed the money.
  3. Hate


    Right, I get all of that. But if she can just explain away the money to "gambling", then she doesn't have to whore her daughter out. She had to replenish the money through a source that not only has the money, but the necessary access to make it seem that the money never left.
  4. Many of you "audiophiles" may have already experienced this, but I just upgraded my phone to an IPhone14 Pro Max with 3rd generation Airpods....holy shit, is the spatial sound made for any other band than the Grateful Dead. The sound is absolutely perfect. It's like I am plugged directly into the soundboard and listen to all of the different instruments independently. It's outstanding to have a few one hits, a few bourbons, and enjoy the Grateful Dead the way they were intended to sound!
  5. Hate


    The why does she whore her daughter out? If she can explain away the money to her husband's gambling she won't have to get the money from the gangster.
  6. Hate


    She needs to replenish the money. That's why she met the gangster dude and is arranging for her daughter to marry him.
  7. Jesus Christ. Y’all live for this kind of shit, don’t you?
  8. I always thought he was good as well. He was maybe a little too old school for some, but I don’t think that is anything new. RIP.
  9. Hate


    I don’t really care that I already know what happens to Andor. I finished a re-watch last night and it is fantastic. My only nitpick might be when they get caught in those nets when trying to steal the ship. That seemed a little weird and unnecessary. They could have had them escape the planet a little differently.
  10. Well, everything you posted was true. It doesn’t mean I still can’t enjoy my life.
  11. At least it takes an ice storm to lose power in Austin. I’ve been down for 4 hours with no end in site.
  12. She was probably the first “bombshell” that I became aware of when I was a kid. She was already a legend then. RIP.
  13. I guess I’ll have to cancel my Spring Break trips to Equatorial Guinea.
  14. Nobody in my 3 person family has had Covid.
  15. I hope they are all crying like their coach. I hope there is a flash flood warning in Philly from all of the tears. I hope all of their fans die tonight.
  16. Fuck hurts. I hope he blows out both of his knees at the same time he blows out both of his shoulders and elbows.
  17. I don’t hate the Chiefs, but I’m tired of them. The Eagles??? I fucking hate them the way I hate ou.
  18. Hate

    2023 Drunk Thread

    I'm already drunk for kick off.
  19. Hate

    2023 Drunk Thread

    I am not going to judge. You do whatever it is you need to do. Right now I'm about to pour another bourbon and listen to some more Merle Haggard.
  20. I remember seeing the scroll at the bottom of the screen on ESPN and CNN Sports. All we saw at first was still photos. It was a day or two before there was video available. It was a crazy time to be alive.
  21. I think if the prairie dog left a trail it is officially a shart. Congratulations.
  22. Hate

    2023 Drunk Thread

    No idea what that is, but cheers!
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