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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hate

  1. Did the prairie dog leave the hole and check out the grasslands?
  2. The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat.
  3. Hate

    2023 Drunk Thread

    I'm still abstaining from the herb until I start my new job on Monday. The HR lady said no drug test, but I'm not taking any chances. Until then, I will have to just get double drunk.
  4. I would agree although Jerry wasted his prime years as he has many others. And it is long overdue for Howley. To this day the only SB MVP from a losing team. Woodson should make it in one day. There are a lot of players from the early 90's Cowboys that should make it in.
  5. But this is probably my favorite China Cat/I Know You Rider. It's from the 4/1/90 show in Atlanta.
  6. You could choose 7/2/89, 7/4/89, 7/7/89, 5/8/77, 8/27/72, 6//22/73, 5/17/74, 5/7/77, 5/8/77, 5/26/77, 5/28/77, 10/29/77, or any other fantastic show! Go back through this thread and find one you like. Tonight I'm checking out 2/9/73
  7. Holy shit…how is there even enough food around to support that many?
  8. Ahhh, you must go to the Cloakroom every once in a while.
  9. I used to make the taco runs for our team when I worked in Austin. I still smoked cigarettes at the time and it got me out of the office for 30-45 minutes every day. I could identify the tacos without opening them with at least a 95% success rate. The only ones that tripped me up was if cheese was added to a bacon or sausage with egg.
  10. Hate


    Well then I’ll see you in hell! I just started a rewatch so I don’t really give a fuck about spelling.
  11. And that’s fair. Maybe I should have spoken in terms of “rewatchability”? I saw JP in the theaters when it came out and thought it was fantastic. I don’t think I’ve ever watched it again since…maybe once with my son. If the other two are on when I’m looking to watch tv, I stop and watch.
  12. What if his ranch house was in India??
  13. Excessive rainfall chances for North Texas Tuesday into Wednesday this week. Also a marginal chance of severe storms tomorrow fore the eastern third of the state. The paler green indicates just thunderstorms with no severe weather likely.
  14. My aunt that lives off of Far West just got her power back on. There is hope if you are in that area.
  15. There is nothing natural about Jurassic Park.
  16. Well, Point Break was on this weekend and I stopped to watch it. I came in on the part at the airport and had to watch the ending. If Jurassic Park was on and there was literally nothing else on to watch I would turn off the TV and find something else to do.
  17. Hate


    Holy Crap. I just finished the last episode and I fucking loved it! I'll have to re-watch it to find all of the things I missed the first time. It started out pretty slow, but goddamn it picked up there at the end, That was easily the best SW stuff to come out since Rouge One and it's not even close. I loved The Mandalorain and Obie Wan, but this was sooooo much better than either of those. I can't wait to see season 2. Well done SW people, well done!
  18. It's not even close. T2 and Point Break are fucking classics. The Sandlot is probably a classic, but Jurassic Park was really good at the time, but not a classic.
  19. Well, a recruiter found me on Linkedin and I got a new job that effectively raised my gross pay 70%. I wouldn't call it completely worthless.
  20. Nobody would notice them if everyone had them.
  21. Hate


    Of course he is a wizard. Would any normal person have a name like Hoogerbeets??
  22. Yeah, it’s the only way we can see the Cowboys in the Super Bowl.
  23. I collected a few more for you but put them all in one place for your convenience. https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/profile/1244-brian-fantana/
  24. After Ike in 2008, we were without power for 15 days. The houses across the street had power back after 3 days. We had a one month old baby, so we left after 5 days to stay at the MIL’s house. It was freaking miserable. I feel for those of you still without power. I have an aunt that lives off Far West that is still without power.
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