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Everything posted by choripan

  1. While your sarcasm meter is barely functioning -- enough to ask whether it was a bit -- you do deserve points for the indented list, italics, underline, and bold. I wish other longform posters could do the same to break things up. One hook'em from me. Coming right up.
  2. Yeah, I think the failed "gotcha" is hilarious, though.
  3. Also, and I say this as someone that's 3/4 Polish and Ukranian, they're just a snap of a finger from going Badabing to Babushka. Could happen at 16, could happen at 36, ain't happenin' much later. Coulda already happened with her.
  4. This sounds like the dealer fucking the finance co since the dealer isn't getting an origination payment for organizing financing, which is often in the hundreds of dollars (can be flat or percentage based and is a big reason why dealers "shop around" your financing application. Piggybacking off the example above, and supposing a wholesale cost of $28.5k and the dealer gets an origination payment/commission of 1%: $31.5k @ 6% = $3k in profit (the diff between wholesale @28.5k/retail) $30k @ 8% = $1.5k in profit Now suppose you financed through them and got a 1% origination and, say, $200 for every percentage point for marking up the interest rate from a base of 6%. $30k @ 8% = $1.5k in profit on the sale + $300 for origination and another $400 for marking up the rate two percent, for $2.2k in profit As you can see, they have a variety of ways to structure things to maximize their profit. In this case, it seems like they pushed to maximize their front-end gross but take away finance profits from the lender. Kinda surprised the lender allowed it, TBH.
  5. Glad to provide a happy update. He ended up with just a warning because of some mitigating circumstances. The assignment was the same -- essentially, describe how assigned reading [x] makes you feel -- and he felt essentially the same way, as might be expected. Somewhere between "very little" and "around half" of the assignment was copied over, depending on if you count using the same quotes from the assigned reading. Because of the similarities, the prof wanted to ask follow-up questions about his new response, so the prof emailed BIL (online class; can't talk after class). Problem is, the prof emailed his UT email address when both the UT student directory and the prof's "fill out this contact/background info" sheet at the beginning of the semester had BIL's gmail address. So the professor emailed the wrong address in follow-up, got frustrated after feeling he was being ignored and turned him in. When the hearing came, BIL pointed out his GPA, pointed out that he never had any history of academic misconduct back through high school, and that he had other profs lined up to serve as a reference for him. He also offered to re-do the assignment with the caveat that he would change the form, but the substance would be similar because he truly feels the same way about the assigned reading. The prof tried to flex by asking BIL why he ignored emails from his prof, including as recently as just a few weeks prior. BIL said he received no such emails and that he would happily show his gmail inbox, spam, and deleted items folders to the committee. Prof tried to shazam him by showing printouts of the emails from prof to BIL's UT address. BIL went into [Chalkboard/blackboard/whatever learning management program UT uses] and pulled up the "assignment" that was the prof's own contact info sheet, as well as the UT student directory, both of which showed that the gmail address was how to get ahold of him. There was a collective "ooh, so that's what happened..." from the hearing people and they gave him the absolute minimum allowed under the applicable rules, once something has reached the hearing phase. Not sure if the "warning" was verbal or written and didn't follow up with my BIL or my wife. At least that's the story as was related to me. So he ended up with a warning with no adverse effect on his grade for the semester and no requirement to re-do the assignment or otherwise do anything else. THanks again to everyone for your thoughts and help.
  6. TLDR: Midwest lack of diversity ain't quite the same as southern white towns. **** To the fella up there that asked about diversity in the small-town Midwest, I submit this exchange between my very white (actual, not play) farmer cousin and my (black, Houstonian) wife, after passing a bottle of lemon-honeyed Spirytus around for a couple hours: Cousin: He'd never be here if it wasn't for visiting us, any chance you'd ever see yourself visiting or living in a place like this? Her: Well, no offense, but I like a little more diversity. After he asked her what she meant by that, she asked him if she was probably the only black person in the town right then And he hit her with "well, ya know, back in the day, we never imported you guys up here the same way they did down there." She said "well alright" in her cute little accent and took a glug. Her trepidation up til that point was fair, imo, but since then she's been way more at ease in small Midwest towns and I've noticed her stealing that line at least a dozen times. That's not to say that there aren't some bad apple elements in some towns, but if you're a brown or a black family you'll be just fine if you're not not dicks, especially as religion is now less important and you wouldn't have to pretend to be a Catholic or Lutheran or Episcopalian in order to fit in. 😄 <-- side note, it autocorrected "C" then ":" to this fuggin smiley face and, after like 2 mins of trying to delete it on my phone, it's just gotta stY.
  7. Having lived in both Austin and various spots in the Midwest, I've really come around on this post recent weather changes. I used to be a "you don't need to shovel heat" guy and lived in apartments with pools and had no kids and all that jazz. Summers in TX weren't as bad and I could always just cool off pretty easily. Now, not so much. On the flip side, here in the Midwest you used to have 3+ inches of snow, where you *actually* have to shovel for real, about once a week. Now its just 2-4 times a year with one, maybe two, bad snowstorm(s) of like 6+ inches. Most of the time its <2" and you just do a little path on your sidewalk and approach to your house, so you're not a dick to the neighbors or mailman, but you don't bother with your driveway because it'll melt in a day or two and your car can go over it in the meantime, anyway. Note, though, that this is only in the Chicago and Detroit metros. No clue for places like Minny or Buffalo or wherever. I imagine Buffalo constantly getting bombed with lake effect.
  8. Serious question, given the blast furnace thread: is the weather a net negative or positive now?
  9. This. It used to be part of my ensemble and had to work well with my cuffs on my suit and all that. Now I mostly wear tank tops and gym shorts and throw a dress shirt and a jacket on when I have a meeting. Would be too much effort to go get my watch from my closet upstairs (Singular "watch." With nowhere to wear them, I've since sold them all but my first one -- which has sentimental value -- including the pie pan constellation that I wanted for so long)
  10. As a once-teenager and current observer of teenagers, I can assure you that no teenager would allow itself to be stuck in a concrete tub at Sea World like an Orca. Also, the shitty MSPaint okra/orca is the content I'm here for.
  11. Barcelona for the summer. Dipped out to Paris for a few days last month to avoid Sant Joan, since we have two young kids and my son hadn't yet seen the Eiffel Tower. Kids love their school (casal) since it's in Castellano and not Catalan, and there's a shitload of activities. Babysitters are like 10 euro an hour. Days are free and nights are fun. Sounds braggy, but this is the thread for it, right?
  12. This. My BIL is a 30yo about-to-be UT grad and he'd laugh his ass off at me if I suggested he check this place out.
  13. As a poor whitey first-gen everything who joined the Army to pay for school and ended up with degrees from three pretty good schools (Northwestern, Michigan, Harvard), I should naturally be against affirmative action *and* legacy admissions under the doctrine of "I walked uphill both ways to school. In snow! You should, too.." However, as a dad that's an alum of those schools and whose kids are mixed, I could not be any more *for* affirmative action and legacy admissions. Especially if there's scholarship money involved. (In reality, I think that Texas' top 10% [is it 7% or something now?] is the best of a lot of tough ways to go about a sticky situation. On one hand, it gets kids who were truly disadvantaged in, without letting in too many Carlton Bankses in. On the other hand, so many spots get taken up there's not a ton of room to let a lot of 3x legacy Chauncey Higgins IVs in.)
  14. TLDR: My $0.02 is that most of these guys are harmless dorks. This is a very weird culture. I stayed with my buddy -- played HS sports together, got an apartment together in college, etc., so an old and good friend -- in Medellin in March for awhile and met some folks like this. He's arguably one, with his Venezuelan immigrant gf who has allowed(?) him a one-way open relationship. Like 80-90% of the expats are just kinda dorky guys back in the US, Canada, wherever, who are just trying to get laid like the cool guys did back home, aiming to do it for free but paying for it if free doesn't work. Not predators, but just dorks who want pussy and can work remotely or have some money attached aside. Like 2%(?) are actually handsome, charming guys just passing thru. The remainder come off as predators. I've also spent a good amount of time in Brasil and the Dominican Republic and it was similar. No thoughts on Asian countries because I've never done more than a brief vacation anywhere in Asia.
  15. Somewhat off-topic, but I'll be damned if I'm not frustrated that a recent update changed the Zoom taskbar icon/logo from to this piece of shit: It grinds my gears every time I look at or click on it.
  16. Ha. Thanks everyone (and to those that DMed). He will plead ignorance -- that he didn't know he could plagiarize himself -- but that he should have been aware of the policy, in any case. He will maximize contrition and point out that he has no record of academic dishonesty and it's something he never would have done had he known it was wrong, and from now on he'll work to be aware of all applicable rules and regs. Guessing he gets something like a zero for the assignment, some sort of wrist slap, maybe has to write an apology letter or a paper on academic integrity or so on. Fingers crossed it's that easy.
  17. My brother-in-law is set to graduate from UT after the fall semester. Best I can gather, we took a class pass/fail in the fall and passed it, then re-took the class this spring semester for credit. One of the assignments was essentially the same between semesters and he may have reused portions of his work from the previous semester. It wasn't a midterm or a final or anything, but a garden variety assignment. He received a letter from the Office of the Dean of Students alleging a violation of UT's Institutional Rules. Specifically, "11-402(a)(7)(c), [sic: it's actually 11-401(a)(7)9c)] about "self-plagiarism," which reads as follows: Plagiarism [is]...when a person submits essentially the same work for two assignments without the permission of the Faculty Member. In any case, he's freaking out since he only has one semester left. Anyone have any experience here? Is this the type of thing where he goes hat-in-hand to the Dean and gets some sort of training under the "Restorative Practices Alternative?" Perhaps he just gets a zero for the assignment or a lowered grade for the class? Is academic probation in play? How about expulsion? I get the sense that the violation is minor enough that a slap on the wrist is warranted, but if his graduation is threatened, I think it makes sense to lawyer up. FWIW, he is an older student who left school and started a successful business and who went back to UT to finish his degree out of pride/see-it-throughness and his love for UT. So that pride part would really be upended if he couldn't graduate. Any background on likely outcomes, experiences you've had, or guidance in general would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  18. Now away from the MF thread jack? What if Zelensky's statement about the counteroffensive is yet another feint, in order to keep the orcs constantly stressed/on edge? Normally you keep these things quiet but I think the Ukrainians constantly talk about it (as well as the allies) to keep the Russians on edge. The Russians constantly think every action is the beginning of a counteroffensive, look at the Telegram stuff posted here. At this point, I'm not even certain they will launch one, at least in the traditional sense.
  19. Slava Ukraine. FYI in spoiler to hide something CR-adjacent.
  20. Internal Monologue: "Don't go CR, don't go CR, don't go CR." *walks up to the ledge* *looks over* Huzzah(!) for a well-done ceremony, but it'd be nice if they could do it without the heredity title part or, especially, the hereditary obscene wealth.
  21. How cool to be a Ukrainian with the last name HIMARS these days!
  22. I thought you were being sarcastic or silly in your last post. I've demonstrated that (1) they're not the same category of vehicle in terms of simply slotting/categorizing them (weight, purpose, function, etc.); and (2) the performance isn't comparable to today's supercars for what, you know, supercars do. If you have a Tesla and calling it "basically a supercar" IRL helps you get laid or boosts your self-esteem, cool for you. It's simply not a true statement, unless you stretch the statement to it's breaking point and then some. If you want the last word, have at it. It's tough to argue with "your mom," which is up there with "because I said so" or "nuh-uh."
  23. What is the 3rd reason?!?!? If I weren't so lazy, I'd insert the "well, we're waiting" meme here. Anyway, point is that the Model S isn't and shouldn't properly be called a supercar or compared to one. Call it a fast sedan. Compare it to an M5 or Caddy CT5-V or whatever. Or better, an F-150 Lightning or one of these other electric torque monsters like the Model S. But not a supercar.
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