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Ojo Rojo

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Everything posted by Ojo Rojo

  1. I bought my wife one and she lost it. True story. I agree that she fucked up either way, but in one scenario you just have an issue with the wife. In the other scenario, you have an issue with the wife AND the neighbor. Yeah, but I'm not trying to get any pussy from the neighbor dad.
  2. I'm getting better, but I'm a slow learner. The Lexapro helps. The bitch of it is, the less I GAF about shit like this, the more my wife accuses me of "not being present" and "not caring." *sigh*
  3. That's gonna be a no from me dawg on signing Bauer. Juice ain't worth the squeeze. We have enough PR problems as it is.
  4. If she lied to me about sending the aggressive part of the text to fuck with me for doubting her I would actually give her a ton of credit for that. That's not what she was doing. And if she was, she really failed to read the room.
  5. She paraphrased the text after I asked her what she sent. I didn't see it. She offered to show it to me, but I was too pissed off at that point and told her I didn't want to see it. So I don't actually know if she sent the shitty part of the text or not. Either way, if she sent it or just told me she did, she done wrong.
  6. My oldest son and the neighbor kid have ongoing Nerf battles with some of the other kids in our neighborhood. They went over to one kid's house and saw his Nerf guns in the open garage. They thought it would be a good prank to take the guns and hide them around the corner outside of the garage and then do an attack. It would be a bloodbath where the other kids were scrambling to find their guns while getting Nerf blasted. Pretty good idea, if you ask me. Anyway, my wife got a text later that afternoon that said something along the lines of, "Tell your children never to go into my garage and take my children's things again." No name, no backstory, no nothing. We called my son in to question him about it. What happened? How did the parent get mom's phone number? He told us the story and fully admitted to going into the garage. He said that the kids' dad came outside and reamed them out and asked for his mother's phone number, which he gave him. My son is naive and doesn't know that it's not cool to go into people's garages without them knowing about it. So we talked to him about it and I think he got the message. Meanwhile, my wife is pissed off at this other parent and she starts an angry text back to them. I see this and tell her, "Please don't do that. Let me handle it." We had a short argument about it. I explained that even if our kid wasn't malicious, he did do something objectively wrong. I agreed the other parent didn't handle it well, but whatever. We can't control if other people want to be assholes. She insists on responding. While she's typing she's muttering that the kids from the other house are at our house all the time and in our garage, etc. I just told her, "I know you are going to fuck this up and create enemies unnecessarily." So now she's pissed off at me. She finishes her angry text and I ask her what she wrote. She says, "Hi, my name is Mrs. Ojo Rojo and my son's name is Ojo Rojo, Jr. I got your text and I am really sorry that our son went into your garage. We have talked to him and it won't happen again." I'm thinking, "Okay, that's pretty much what I would have said." She then continues, "And please tell your children to never come over to our house and play in our playhouse ever again." I just looked at her incredulously. "I knew it! Why did you write that? There was no reason to do that! I am so angry with you because you did that!" A few minutes later she says, "I didn't really write the part about them not coming over the playhouse again." What!? Then why the fuck would you tell me that!? You knew that would piss me off. Did you do it just to piss me off? Her response, "Well isn't that what you wanted to hear?" What? Which part? That you told the neighbors off like a bitch or that you really didn't? Are you really just trying to make me mad or are you just dumb? Now we are in a huge fight and I won't get laid until the end of the month.
  7. So, what, they are trying to burn it down? What is "it?" The GOP establishment? To what end?
  8. I haven't delved into this. What is the issue? Is McCarthy too moderate for the whackos or what's the deal?
  9. The fat model thing is supposed to have wider (SWIDT?) appeal because of this idea of inclusion, "being real" and whatnot. I understand what they are trying to do; I'm saying it doesn't work on me and I don't like it. FWIW, I don't like the fake airbrushed shit either.
  10. Call me sexist or a chauvinist or whatever, but this whole trend of the fat model doesn't work for me.
  11. How about do the best job possible to discover the truth, adhere to that and make the most rational decision possible based on it. Reveal that truth to the public and give the honest reasons for your decision. If people vilify you for that, fuck them. I'm so tired of the optics bullshit, guilty until proven innocent, every accusation is a death sentence state of our society.
  12. Tell me you don't know any heiresses without telling me you don't know any heiresses.
  13. I haven't been to the Bullock history museum yet, but they have the La Belle from his expedition. I regret not going out to the coffer dam excavation site in the late 90's.
  14. This was your moment, huh? You must be a huge optimist to have lasted this long.
  15. Our lives are pretty hectic right now with three kids, all involved in shit. Every day we are running around town picking up and dropping off kids. It is really hard to keep it all straight and my wife and I have to check in with each other every morning about the day's events. A couple of weeks ago we had planned to decorate our tree on a Saturday night. We had other plans throughout the day on Saturday. I called an audible for myself on Saturday morning and did something other than what I said I would do during our planning session. My change of plans affected nothing and no one. Later that day, my wife tells me that she allowed our son to go spend the night at his cousin's house. I got kinda pissed and told her, "But we were supposed to decorate the tree tonight as a family!" My son wanted to participate, so we couldn't just do it without him. Plus, we were already late getting to it and there was literally no other time to do it. So, to be clear, my wife's decision fucked up our plans and I got a little pissed about it. As these things go, somehow she got pissed at me. I asked her, "How is it that you fucked up, yet you are mad at me?" Her answer was that it was a double standard because I changed the plans earlier in the day. Yeah, but my change of plans didn't affect anyone else or cause us to not have time to do an important family activity. She completely did not agree or understand. I ended up just walking away and letting it all go.
  16. If the season started tomorrow, who the fuck are our left fielder and backup catcher? Yordan is your every day LF and Lee is our backup C? I don't love either of those.
  17. According to my 12 year old, this means we have all been rickrolled.
  18. Partially kneeling on that fucking train track has got to hurt.
  19. I don't want this to be true. A world without Coach Leach in it sucks a little more.
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