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Ojo Rojo

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Everything posted by Ojo Rojo

  1. How do they clean that shit up? I have tried to clean champagne that was sprayed all over the inside of a house once. Much of it is still there 20+ years later.
  2. I thought a woman could only get pregnant during her period. But, noooooooo, it's got to be some ambiguous secret time in between periods when it's virtually impossible to tell.
  3. Well, let's just keep that between us. Plus, it means that I'm a more efficient driver than she is, so I still win.
  4. I drove my wife's car this weekend on a family trip. The low fuel light comes on in her car with a ridiculously long way to go before running out of gas, so I've learned to ignore it. I got distracted, though, and happened to look down at the range remaining and is said "0." I skidded into the nearest gas station on fumes. (Incidentally, my wife says she has gone a long way on "0" range many times. Cool. Cool.) I fill her car up with gas, get in and start it up. The range now says, "400." My wife tells me, "That's the longest range I've ever seen on my car. I think it's because of the way you drive." She was attempting to criticize my driving style (safe). I told her she was making no sense and that the range is based on the amount of fuel in the tank and the average MPG the car gets. Her car is five years old, so the average MGP is unlikely to fluctuate much. She was adamant that it was something I did. I posited that it was because I topped off the tank, but she claimed she does the same.
  5. I mean, that's an upgrade in my book.
  6. You know a disturbing amount about how the corps turds conduct their business.
  7. Clip cuts out right before the answer I wanted to hear. Dammit.
  8. Nitpicking here in a meaningless game, but were there good reasons to pull JV after the 5th with only 77 pitches with a no-no going and the chance to do something historic?
  9. I will never understand this. They should not let those dweebs speak. It's embarrassing. I can't even watch the whole thing. And yet, they idolize these guys. How does anyone who is good at football want to go to this school? They get recruits somehow. How? Truly, truly bizarre.
  10. Based on what I've seen, I'm doubtful that Donald Trump himself has had any meaningful impact on the various enterprises that have his name attached to them. He has a whole business organization full of people working for him. They do everything. He sits back and takes credit for it all. He's just a figurehead or maybe more like Colonel Sanders. Colonel Sanders doesn't actually make the fried chicken. Trump was given everything he has to start with and then other people took it from there and made it work (or not).
  11. Ojo Rojo

    Getting old sucks

    Was riding in the car with the wife and kids the other day and my oldest (11) asks my wife to put his playlist on the stereo from her phone. She obliges. A song comes on I've never heard before but my wife knows all the words. I look at the dashboard screen and it says the artist is Post Malone. I know who Post Malone is, but I wouldn't recognize any of his music or know any of his lyrics by heart, like my wife apparently does. So I ask her, "How do you know the words to a Post Malone song?" She said, "This was the most popular song in the radio like three years ago." Post Malone, the guy who looks like a fat Hasidic Jewish homeless drug addict had a number one song on the radio. Huh.
  12. Javier clearly has starter stuff and has performed really well as a starter this season, but does the fact that he's worked more out of the pen than Urquidy and Garcia matter at all? And do you leave those two guys off the playoff roster or just move them to the pen if you are starting JV, Framber, LMJ and Javier? I assume Brown will be a bullpen guy in the playoffs, even though he's really a starting pitcher too? I guess I don't really know how common or easy it is for pitchers to switch between starting pitcher and relief pitcher roles.
  13. Damn it's nice to have such quality pitching and depth!
  14. Or dumber. It's basically demonstrating that the parents are proud of their mastery of phonetics.
  15. Why wasn't this part reviewed? It was a weird play, weird flag, weird explanation, weird result. The QB was down and we should have gotten a safety. I fucking HATE it when officials determine the outcome of games with bad calls.
  16. Actually, I'm having a pretty good day, thank you very much. I was wrong about when he signed. Okay.
  17. Okay, so maybe one and a half. I don't know why JV took that deal - if I recall, didn't COVID have something to do with suppressing the market that year? I could be wrong about that. My point is that everyone wants to sign old, high-priced free agents to short term deals. Some teams are willing to buy the back end of those contracts when the players could be washed up. The Astros are not one of those.
  18. Is there a difference between only being willing to sign high priced old guys to short term deals and not signing older high priced guys? Have the Astros signed an older guy to a high AAV short term contract in recent history? (Verlander doesn't count because this was a "prove it" year coming of TJ.)
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