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Ojo Rojo

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Everything posted by Ojo Rojo

  1. I don't want this to be true. A world without Coach Leach in it sucks a little more.
  2. I think we should re-sign Brantley on a team friendly deal and roll the dice with his injury and age going into the season. If he can't hit then get someone at the deadline. I'd also re-sign Vasquez.
  3. I, too, was worried that Bagwell appeared to have too much sway in the front office. Because he was a player, probable PED user and mostly because he got ol' cokehead Dr. Brown's sloppy seconds, I thought he was dumb. In his recent interviews, though, he has shown himself to be a lot smarter than I thought. I heard him on the SiriusXM baseball channel and he denied that he ever said the Astros rely too much on analytics.
  4. Damn. Don't you fuckers own any small trash cans? csb/ One time when I was a teenager at home I puked in the kitchen sink because I couldn't make it anywhere else in time. Pissed my mom off.
  5. All I could think of the whole time was, "Who is going to clean all of that shit up?" I have three young kids.
  6. If anything, this thread has shown that KU has some talent.
  7. I think I probably looked something like this at my kids' school gala a couple of weeks ago. Old ass.
  8. There are two major factors: 1. The market dictates that he is going to get in the neighborhood of $40M+/yr for 2-3 years and the Astros don't have a history of doing those kinds of contracts. 2. We have great starting pitching depth and we have a legitimate, if not outstanding, chance to win the WS again next year even without him. As others have said, I'll hate to see him go just like I hated to see Correa and Springer go, but I'll always be a fan.
  9. The analogy has some limitations.
  10. Don't hate it. Also probably means JV is gone.
  11. Fucking this. Hell, practically all media these days is pure manufactured controversy. It's what sells ads.
  12. It's going to be fun watching Trump and deSantis in a flame war in the primary. DeSantis gets the nomination and Trump will run as an independent in the general to fuck him and the GOP. They will all get what they deserve.
  13. I came here to post this. Just unbelievable.
  14. My wife is a terrible driver. She's aggressive and takes many unnecessary risks. So I have to drive anywhere we go together. She's had to be the navigator. She could not be worse at it unless she tried, which she might be so that I don't drive all the time and make her feel bad about being a shitty driver. She does all of the above - can't work the map software on the phone, tells me to turn when I'm already right up on it with no time to check mirrors or brake safely, sending me somewhere in BFE because she's convinced the map on the phone is wrong. I beat my head against a wall for several years, convinced she would get better at it. She never did. That's when I decided to just do it all myself. This situation is sadly similar to our sex life.
  15. Wil Myers is available. Plays OF and 1B, career .771 OPS. Andrew Chafin, lefty reliever, also available. .283 ERA last season. Brad Hand too.
  16. You don't part ways with your GM or your manager after you win a WS. Both guys will be back, and I'm fine with that. Click has yet to prove he can make the right moves on his own, but both he and Dusty did the most important thing they could do - not fuck up a good thing. I think we should bring back JV. I'd even give him a three-year deal to possibly lower the AAV. 3 for 85M? Keep him here while the window is open. If we re-sign JV then that makes Garcia or Urquidy tradeable for one of the other pieces we need. We need an upgrade at 1B and LF. We need a lefty reliever. We need a backup catcher. I don't think Lee is it. Honestly, we could do nothing over the winter and roll into spring training and opening day with just who we have now. Make extending Tuck and Yordan the priorities this offseason. Give Y. Diaz a shot at 1B. Give Meyers another shot at CF. We've got guys like Paredes and Martinez who can fill out the bullpen. Evaluate the deficiencies at the trade deadline and add the pieces you need to win it all.
  17. Houston Astros World Series Champions!!! Gentlemen, it's been an absolute pleasure all season long.
  18. We're going to steamroll tonight, so it doesn't matter. The Phils gave us their best shot and they are still down 3-2 with 2 games left at our house. For academic purposes, I think they still throw LMJ in game 7 with a very short leash. Everyone would be available out of the pen, including Javier. Would be interesting to see who would be the first one out. Would be situational, most likely. But would be cool to see Javier pitch again in this series.
  19. Offseason wish list: Re-sign JV. Trade Luis Garcia or Urquidy, preferrably Garcia, for position of need and/or prospects. Acquire lefty reliever, CF, 1B, C. Or, let Yainer Diaz and Pedro Leon test their skills in the show and then move at the deadline. Bring Maldy back? Bring Yuli back?
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