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Ojo Rojo

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Everything posted by Ojo Rojo

  1. I've seen a lot of stories on this board where the wives blather on and on, never getting to the point until the very end after ten minutes of useless information. I didn't think my wife did that. Lately, though, I have been noticing that she absolutely does do it. I don't know if I've gotten more impatient or if this is something new with her. Anyway, I decided to say something about it (rookie move, I know). I know it won't help and will only get me in trouble. I tried to bring it up like it was funny. I should have known my humorless wife wouldn't see it in the same lighthearted way. Me: "Sweetie, I've noticed something happening lately when I ask you a question." Her: "Yeah, me too. You stop listening and walk out of the room." Me: "Well, there's a reason for that. See, when I ask you a question like I just did, which was 'Who is going to take Child No. 2 to school when you go back to work?' you started talking about why you were not going to be taking client calls on Zoom in the mornings anymore and telling me about your work schedule throughout the day, etc. and you never actually answered my question." Her: "So you want all of our conversations to be like an interview with one word answers?" (She always takes shit to the most negative extreme.) Me: "No, of course not. Conversation is fine. It's just that when I ask a question I actually do want the answer." Tone.
  2. I didn't "let" her do shit. I advised her not to test the limits and she did it anyway. It's still an open question whether she actually committed fraud. It was a complicated deal because of the way she is paid. I think it is likely that she fucked up some and TWC fucked up some.
  3. He wasn't wrong; that shit just don't pay the bills these days.
  4. It feels weird having a catcher who can hit.
  5. Did Maton punch himself in the face as he walked off the field? If not, he should have.
  6. Yeah, well, if Dusty wasn't our manager we'd be up at least 15-0 right now.
  7. Nah, man. I have a controlling nature, which I fight every single day. I can't and won't try to control every aspect of everyone's lives around me. People in my orbit, even including my wife, are going to make their mistakes. It's not on me to prevent or fix everything all the fucking time. Instead, I just post and bitch about it here.
  8. I appreciated your civility. I'm not claiming superiority in the objectivity or clarity departments. I may be more circumspect, if anything. That's partly my overt optimism. Maybe that makes me a fool and I should really be cleaning my guns and stocking my bug out bag.
  9. I'm no Trumpist. I'm the opposite of whatever Trump is. I just try to remain objective so I can see things as clearly as possible and how they really are. I don't think I'm being Polyanna based on what has actually happened and the direction things are going. I guess we'll see.
  10. Political expedience or self interest or both. Anything but what they should be doing - adhering the will of the people and doing what's right for the country. Maybe we need to only employ people in Congress who have taken a vow of poverty. Sort of like how they used to have eunuchs guard the women's quarters in ancient China.
  11. The implications are worst case scenario - that the U.S. becomes a fascist, authoritarian state. No understatement from me there. But implications are different than what has actually happened or even the odds of that happening. There's been a lot of talk. A couple of suicides by FBI. I'm not saying not to be alarmed or on guard. I just don't agree, based on what has happened already and what is likely to happen in the future, that it's all over, we've lost, etc. etc. etc.
  12. I still think you are overstating a bit. Nevertheless, if Republicans all of a sudden just say, "Fuck Trump!" and they lose all of his supporters - that is political suicide. They are not going to do it. Would that be the right and moral thing to do? Would it be better for our country? Yes! Yes! Fuck yes! And THAT is the problem - politics, what we want collectively, is not lining up with what is good for us.
  13. You replied before I was done with my last post. My reply to 'stache is almost exactly what you are saying. We are at a moment in time where a certain set of policies, which are very bad for the country as a whole, are winning or close to winning important elections. The guy who has no shame, no conscience and is 100% completely and totally self-centered became president because he cradled the balls, stroked the shaft, worked the pipe and swallowed the gravy of those heinous policies. Others are following his example. He lost in 2020. If there is no resurgence in 2024 we've seen the high water mark.
  14. It's too many; I fully agree with that. Exactly what group we're talking about and exactly how many of them there are is up for discussion. But whether it's 50% or 30% or 25% matters. Uh, no. Republicans are not monolithic. They are not all Trumptards without brains. I would say most R members of Congress probably know exactly what Trump is. The problem is that politics dictates that they need Trump voters to win, so they court them. Republicans would be committing political seppuku if they disavow Trump at the national level.
  15. That's sort of what hyperbole is - saying "half" when it's really more like 30%.
  16. I think this is hyperbole. Half the country isn't made of Trumpist nuts with zero critical thinking skills. The Trumpists aren't all supporting Russia in a war against NATO. For one thing, there is no war between Russia and NATO. Let's keep it real.
  17. So in order to "win" we must become the thing that has brought about the need for a battle in the first place? What's the point of that? When thoughtfulness and objectivity are seen as weakness, we have already lost. Winning the right way takes patience, because it takes longer with more frustration and aggravation along the way. I'm an optimist and I'm old enough to take a longer view. Some crazy, scary and disappointing shit has happened, but we're still here. Things are still working more or less the way they are supposed to. Let's keep going.
  18. Oh, I hope that both of those things are true. I'm just saying we can't take that for granted. Otherwise, we are guilty of the same level of fantasy without facts as the Trumptards.
  19. By my count we have six starting pitchers. Only four of those will be on the playoff roster, right? Or would we carry a starting pitcher to come out of the bullpen? Maybe Javier would come out of the pen and Garcia would be the odd man out if the playoffs started today, right?
  20. I'm trying very hard to remain objective about this whole thing. It's impossible to draw any conclusions about Trump's criminal liability or other categorized wrongdoing based on the information publicly available. We know he had documents he wasn't supposed to have. That's all we know right now. There are a whole lot of other bad facts here and it stinks to high heaven, but unless there was truly sensitive information in there or he was trying to do something illegal with them, like selling state secrets, then this may not be that big of a deal. It would be very similar to Hilary's email thing, in my opinion, if the docs were basically benign and he wasn't doing anything with them.
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