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Everything posted by oSuJeff97

  1. Yeah, I mean, wasn't Jesse's original quote about Saul/Jimmy - "You don't need a criminal lawyer.... you need a criminal lawyer." Saul/Jimmy was always "bad."
  2. Yeah, I’m kind of hoping we get some Enfys Nest in this as well, since we are obviously getting Saw. Yeah man you should. Rogue One is wildly entertaining. It’s the second-best SW film overall after ESB, IMO. Highly re-watchable.
  3. Yeah I was thinking the same thing. I thought originally it was scheduled for the end of August? Either way, looks badass.
  4. Ergo fuck yourself. (LOL sorry couldn’t resist.) Seriously though, you’re telling me that if the four bluebloods of the conference played nice, that the conference STILL would have blown up? Highly highly doubtful. And I said that the bulk of the blame clearly lies with Nebraska/Aggy, but as part of the original 4-headed blueblood monster of the league, Texas (and Oklahoma) obviously share *some* blame. Don’t tell me that Texas was the innocent babe in the woods as the conference slowly imploded over a decade. Texas was/is the biggest, most powerful school in the conference; with that goes a position of leadership within the conference…. And if you’re telling me that Texas did *nothing* as the conference crumbled around it, then that is just as bad as specific actions that cause it to crumble.
  5. I asked a pretty simple question and wasn’t a dick about it. I’m genuinely curious how someone could like the show and think that episode was “dumb.” As such, saying “that was dumb” is pretty vapid and pointless criticism. It’s something a 10-year-old would say about something they don’t understand. Furthermore, BCS is far from my favorite show, and if you vagina gets all sandy about discussion of a show in a show discussion thread, then, well, the door’s right there, man.
  6. How about the fact that the original Big 12 doesn’t exist any more? What more “work” do you need? If those four could get along, then the original Big 12 would still exist and be in a great position to be on-par with SEC and B1G as one of three “Super conferences.” Does that mean the blame is equal? Of course not. I honestly think it’s mostly Nebraska’s and Aggy’s fault, mostly because both had massive inferiority complexes toward Texas. But the bottom line is that if all four could have found ways to co-exist for the the betterment of the league (like the bluebloods in B1G and SEC have over the years) then the original Big 12 would be in a great spot today.
  7. I’m curious. What do you think was dumb about it, exactly?
  8. 100’% this. Also the Venn diagram of people who complain about certain aspects of BB/BCS and people who complained about every episode of The Sopranos that wasn’t about mafia business is a perfect circle. Don’t forget the dungarees.
  9. It's pretty incredible that Henry Winkler played one of the most iconic TV characters of all time in the 1970s and then showed up again nearly 30 years later as one of the funniest characters on one of the funniest shows of all time. Then he turns around 10+ years after that and knocks it out of the park on another fantastic show (Barry).
  10. Just checking in to see if everyone is still dunking on Al...
  11. Ha he couldn't be the MC since he's still Viago in the show.
  12. The "Familiar fights" MC guy was cracking me up when Guillermo was fighting. "Whoa, this little fucker can move!" "Look at Darth Maul, Jr., here...!"
  13. This season is absolutely slamming and going hard. It's better than season 3 at this point, IMO. (And season 3 was very good)
  14. So the 2010 football season stuff was pretty fun... pretty cool attention to detail bringing up the Texas and Oklahoma State games back-to-back for that Nebraska team... and even name-checking Weeden. The one thing that was kind of funny to me was them mentioning his thumb injury that he got when he banged it on the helmet of a Washington State player... I think he was calling it "Cougar thumb" or something... but that was actually in the first game of the year and it was totally healed by the time we played Nebraska in late October. (The the biggest thing the thumb injury did was cause Weeden to fumble the victory formation snap against Troy in week 2, which is when Gundy then switched to doing the "victory formation snap" from shotgun... which everyone made fun of at the time but now everyone does, lol.) So basically what I'm saying is that they messed up the timing of the Weeden thumb injury. Totally non-believable show.
  15. Not really. It’s more like if the Big 12 had added UTEP and Tulsa back in 2011. WVU was at least a large state university that was P5 adjacent and TCU at least was a successful program in a big market. Fresno and SDSU are comparative trash.
  16. You like saying “Gortex”, don’t you? Excuse me….Are you an entertainer? Are you in show business?
  17. Very strong Frank Reynolds vibes
  18. That too. But they also have made the point many times in Clone Wars, Rebels and Bad Batch that Clone Troopers are/were FAR superior to Stormtroopers. I mean, they have gotten to the point where they actually make fun of how inept basic Stormtroopers are in the actual shows (Mandalorian, etc.). There was a plot line in Bad Batch where the early Empire was making the decision to switch from Clone Troopers to Stormtroopers, and the idea was that Stormtroopers may suck comparatively, but they have an unlimited supply (via conscripts) and and are dirt cheap compared with the expensive cloning/training program of the Clone Troopers.
  19. Yes and yes. Obi-wan is considered the second most powerful Jedi of this era, only exceeded by Yoda. And Clone Troopers are cloned/designed to be badass solders and trained from birth. They are FAR superior to “regular” Stormtroopers, who are mostly poorly trained conscripts.
  20. @atomheartbevo nailed it up thread. Kids are the ultimate energy vampires.
  21. I mean, the thing is that kids of ALL ages are energy vampires for different reasons…. So basically they are going to have Baby Colin Robinson be the most annoying version of every kid at every age. Fucking brilliant.
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