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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Thetexashammer

  1. Think he has always suggested that Hildog (or someone not even running this go around) will come out of a "brokered" convention, but that is just to play up narrative about how fractured dems are. Your point is absolutely fair. It was a clickbait headline, so to speak. However, I do wonder, as most of us do, about the behind the scenes issues. He's being managed by people who know he's got a medical issue. What he's putting out is his "best stuff". And he's having trouble even pretending. I don't know what the reality is. But I frankly think he's done. Mentally, he's just not there. Doesn't mean I know shit about what the election result will be. Trump is toxic as fuck. But I mean damn, the dude's got dementia. You really want to run him as your presidential candidate?
  2. Magnificent example of how to enjoy the time off.
  3. Tucker is insisting Biden won't even be the nominee. Which is interesting.
  4. You left off women who are concerned about a certain african american gentleman wearing grey slacks.
  5. Obviously there needs to be a reusable one. Dip it in alcohol kind of thing, or run through the washer. Those paper things are shit. Would be helpful if they had some kind of personalized message thing. It's got to have a style component. It's how we do.
  6. They spend all day studying for the final exam, not you're telling them they don't have to take it?
  7. Italy with 969. Not controlled. Quarantine apparently not working. They're saying there are fewer new cases but that's irrelevant. We've been locked down almost three weeks, more than that in Lombardy and Padua.
  8. Matteo Renzi, former PM of Italy, made some interesting comments. https://www.blogsicilia.it/oltrelostretto/riapriamo-tutto-matteo-renzi/526221/ I disagree, but those words may have a powerful appeal to some Italians. I'm looking forward to the protests, they should be glorious.
  9. I am not joking when I say I want to get Corona. I'll be fine, and being "Recovered" is the golden passport to freedom. I may already have had it but who the hell knows. I would add that full lockdown is completely awkward. It's just socially very difficult to do. You can understand the logic of all this and there is still a kind of mental shock when you can't order Domino's. Obviously, many people are not exposing themselves to people who are at risk, so that further lengthens to chain of events between normal behavior and illness. And of course very few have seen anyone actually get ill, it's just all in the news. And most people are conditioned to ignore the constant shrieking and hysteria from our media. I don't dispute the need for isolation. In fact, obviously, if what you are saying is true, I would expect an Italy situation in a few weeks over there. If stores like Home Depot are open, you aren't on quarantine. So if true, conventional wisdom here predicts bad things to happen. Very bad things. We've had no restaurants, no bars, no going to work for more than two weeks, and numbers continue to rise. Supermarkets only. Even so, imagine that the solution ends up being that everyone has to wear a mask when they go out. Do you think that's awkward? I do. It's weird. But it may be necessary for six months or a year. During the first WWI Christmas, they had a truce. Soldiers from both sides crossed into No Man's Land and had dinner and drinks with each other and to exchange gifts. They literally had no idea what was about to happen. They couldn't conceive of it. They were not mentally prepared. There were no Aggies there. I don't object to the criticism at all, people are behaving stupidly, but I also think almost nobody is mentally prepared for this. Isolation is a huge stressor, as is losing your job, as is losing your entire routine, literally almost every resource that keeps you alive. It's a huge personal and psychological challenge even for those who were on this early, or who are financially secure, like many of us here. To dismiss people as just being "aggy" is kind of ridiculous.
  10. You're attributing to Trump work this is the job of a low level staffer.
  11. I read the whole thing. Trump thanked Democrats, who weren't invited. It says nothing about who developed the list of invitees. Do you not think he seems pretty bipartisan here? He hasn't spoken to Pelosi or Schumer in four months. How do you know they even wanted to attend? Maybe they had things to do. Maybe they just don't like Trump or want to be in the same room as him.
  12. I don't mean to be rude, but in your links, do they ever say Trump ordered that no Democrats would be present? Who made up the list of people who were invited? Your link says they haven't spoken in four months. They hate each other. Did she even want to come, did she ask to appear?
  13. They may be live streaming video and audio into the stadium, but they will play the games.
  14. Just curious, what is your evidence for this?
  15. Herbie is, and always will be, a moron of the highest order. They may play in empty stadiums, but there will be a season. 100%. No doubt. I'm worried about their prep, but not the season itself.
  16. Media took the straight line estimate, reported it hysterically, and hysteria ensued. It's not hard to understand why it's called the outrage industrial complex. The lie, on purpose, in predictable ways.
  17. Just putting myself on the record, again, that a vaccine will be available sooner not later. Like, by fall. One example of how they'll achieve this was mentioned by Fauci recently. Instead of waiting around to the end of Phase III trials to start producing vaccine, you can produce a billion samples beforehand. Simple, and it does nothing to compromise safety. There are a million tweaks like that one that will get you a vaccine a lot faster than the regular process. You can run phases concurrently, that's another tweak. Keep in mind, you need an antibody to a surface protein on the virus. It's only a 30k base pair virus, it was sequenced months ago, it's not that hard to figure out how to copy the surface protein and create an immune response. I mean it's not easy but damn we have much better tools than we did even a decade ago.
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