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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Thetexashammer

  1. Herbie is, and always will be, a moron of the highest order. They may play in empty stadiums, but there will be a season. 100%. No doubt. I'm worried about their prep, but not the season itself.
  2. Media took the straight line estimate, reported it hysterically, and hysteria ensued. It's not hard to understand why it's called the outrage industrial complex. The lie, on purpose, in predictable ways.
  3. Just putting myself on the record, again, that a vaccine will be available sooner not later. Like, by fall. One example of how they'll achieve this was mentioned by Fauci recently. Instead of waiting around to the end of Phase III trials to start producing vaccine, you can produce a billion samples beforehand. Simple, and it does nothing to compromise safety. There are a million tweaks like that one that will get you a vaccine a lot faster than the regular process. You can run phases concurrently, that's another tweak. Keep in mind, you need an antibody to a surface protein on the virus. It's only a 30k base pair virus, it was sequenced months ago, it's not that hard to figure out how to copy the surface protein and create an immune response. I mean it's not easy but damn we have much better tools than we did even a decade ago.
  4. You have to say "No cloak room". Then it's all good.
  5. I'm gonna say science frowns on this.
  6. I'm really hoping the antibody tests show way more herd immunity than expected. Otherwise it's coming back again. The other idea is the one floated by that Peak Prosperity guy. He thinks if everyone wears masks when out in public, it stops the contagion. Italy is going yard on containment measures. Now going to be shutting down almost all industry. They're speculating the economy could shrink 5 to 15 percent. I think it's a lot more than that. Many of these companies aren't gonna come back at all. Also, fuck closing more gas stations. Most of them are already closed. There's already literally nowhere to eat. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/03/26/we-are-entering-a-war-economy-italy-shuts-down-non-essential-factories/
  7. So, while I understand that you can temporize a bit, at some point, you absolutely will have out of control inflation. We're getting closer every day. How do you go bankrupt? Gradually, then suddenly. Did they decide to print the stimulus?
  8. Italian governor threatens to send police armed with flamethrowers to fight against people violating quarantine. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8143383/Italian-politicians-threaten-flamethrowers-enforce-coronavirus-lockdown.html
  9. Is there a specific thread for discussion of the Eran Bendavid and Jay Bhattacharya editorial? https://www.wsj.com/articles/is-the-coronavirus-as-deadly-as-they-say-11585088464?mod=trending_now_pos2 They're basically saying the IFR could be lower than the flu.
  10. I'd be shocked if he were correct about anything.
  11. New pilots don't use enough rudder.
  12. Just shoot into a fucking pillow if you gotta kill someone that bad. That's probably illegal too.
  13. I found out that Brooks Brothers has an outlet store. I went to fucking town. Much cheaper than what you see online. I didn't realize they had decided to sell shirts for normal sized, not just fat, people. Anyway now I have like 400k points that won't do shit for me for a long time. I guess it'll be international travel but at this point I'm like whatevs.
  14. That is an entirely reasonable position. Stating that Trump believed the virus was a hoax a month after he appointed a WH coronavirus task force, in a speech where he literally said 15 Americans died from the virus, is insane. If you've realized that neither party represents Americans, congratulations. You aren't the last horse to leave the barn, but you're not exactly leading the pack.
  15. When you let him bait you into this kind of thing, he wins. The end result is that you guys spent the last year dreaming of free everything, and you ended up with a guy who went to Soviet Moscow on his honeymoon and another guy who has dementia. Trump's gone from +180 to -115. The answer isn't to be worse than he is, it's to be better than he is. Which ought to be really easy, it's a pretty low bar.
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