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Snake Diggity

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Everything posted by Snake Diggity

  1. If Haley wins NH, it’ll be a race. She’s got a lot of corporate money and will probably have it pouring in if she wins NH. There is about a 3% chance of her winning NH.
  2. I’m happily married. I am also constantly on the precipice of divorce or murder. It’s dramatic but it suits me. The core things in my marriage (JMHO): 1. Sex. Without that, it’s just friendship. If you have issues around sex before you get married, you have no chance. 2. Religion. If it’s important to either of you, it has to be important to both of you. 3. Money. In the end, nothing causes more divorces than money problems. 4. Kids. Better be closely aligned on how many and how your general approach to parenting matches up. Also what happens if you want them and can’t conceive. 5. inlaws. If you are close to your extended families, you better like each other. If you hate your wife’s mother, you’re probably fucked. Other than that, it’s lesser stuff like tidiness, responsibility sharing, etc. Know this: you will find out a lot more negative things about your partner after you get married. I guarantee it.
  3. 0%. Only way he agrees to that is if it’s at $45M/yr.
  4. A lefty hitting OF is the final piece. Bellinger, Pederson, Belt, Gallo, Ford, Rosario all make some sense. It’s a shame Brantley retired.
  5. A Garcia/McCullers salary dump is interesting. And the Mets would probably be a good partner for that deal. It would put a ton of pressure on Hunter Brown and Cristian Javier but would free up $20M/yr for the next 3 seasons.
  6. Both Verlander and Pressly could potentially be free agents after this season, so the front offices expectations about how those contracts play out may have had an influence on signing Hader.
  7. I hope they bring McCullers back as a RP. Adding him to a 5 headed monster of Hader, Pressly, Abreu, Montero, and Whitley could make for an insane bullpen for thru 2025.
  8. We are already a contender. We are a DT away from having the deepest roster we’ve had since before scholarship limits and possibly the deepest we’ve EVER had.
  9. Not coming after you because I don’t know what you’re about and I think most people are the same way you are. But I have thought about this incident every single school day since it happened. My last thought every single time I drop my little girls off at school, as I watch them walk away and get outside my ability to protect them, is “my god I hope they don’t get slaughtered by someone with an AR15 today.” I thought it this morning.
  10. As badass as Hader is, there’s a lot of downside to paying a closer ~$120M/5yrs, especially since it would also cost a 2nd round draft pick and $500k in international bonus pool money. If they do that they better supplement it with another bullpen arm and maybe an upside SP and a lefty hitting OF.
  11. If you know Jack dick fuck about demographic trends and how our economy works, YES.
  12. Pretty clear to me be burned the everloving fuck out of his hand, probably grabbing a curling iron to work on that expired cotton candy he wears on top of his evil head. The thought of him doing that, then immediately looking for someone to blame, brings me great joy. I imagine anyone else in room at the time was stifling laughter.
  13. Trump cried fraud from the very first caucus. Even after he won the nomination he literally said “it was all rigged but I don’t care because I won.”
  14. If Texas misses the tournament, Terry has to go. He is being paid enough to warrant a short leash given his resume. It wouldn’t be insane to give him another year, but the bar for him surviving past that should be pretty high. Texas should be a perennial top 15 team in basketball.
  15. Unlikely. Brown and Javier haven’t shown they can go deep even on full/extra rest, France and Urquidy don’t have the arm/stuff, and I think it would be a terrible idea to try to ride Framber and JV even harder (while also reducing the number of starts they get). They may end up in a 6 man rotation just due to depth and injury concerns, but that isn’t the answer to a a shallow bullpen. I could see them moving Hunter Brown to the bullpen if they simply can’t find money/prospects to add a legit RP from outside. But that would put a lot of pressure on Javier, Urquidy, and France to perform in the 1st half while they wait for Garcia and McCullers. Crane just needs to bite the bullet and sign off on going over the tax. The money shouldn’t be significant and the draft pick penalty isn’t either. The tax on spending an extra $20M is a few million and the draft pick impact wits just be moving Bregman’s QO pick from the 70s back into the 100-120 range.
  16. This puts them in a pretty tight spot. They only had 4 RP worth a squat, and Montero comes with significant performance risk. Going into the season with Abreu and Pressly and pay-the-starter-goes-deep doesn’t seem ideal.
  17. Whose projections are those? I would expect Whitley to be in the opening day bullpen over Sousa or Blanco, although that’s not certain. I would like to see a move that improves the pitching staff but overall I’m cool with running out that opening day roster. There’s as much upside as downside, with potential level-ups from Meyers, Pena, and Diaz countering age/injury risk from Abreu, Altuve, and Yordan. Theres more upside than downside in the bullpen given the depth of guys with elite stuff who just haven’t harnessed it consistently. Theres significant risk in the rotation but again the downside of injury/age with Framber/JV is countered by potential break outs from Javier and Brown.
  18. Cracked pipe 6 months ago, $5k to repair. Now the pool is leaking again. It’s leaking so fast that I can’t keep enough water in it to keep the pumps running during the freeze. The leak seems to be underground because no water comes out where anything is exposed and the ground is wet where the pipe runs. I’ve known this was coming because my pool is easily over 30 years old, but right now is the first time that I have ever been like “fuck having a pool”.
  19. If we’re gonna bitch about bad contracts, the Astros are gonna spend $51M on 4 pitchers, NONE of whom will be in the opening day starting rotation. I have been pretty surprised that Houston has not been able to find a single great homegrown late inning RP except Abreu in the last half decade.
  20. If you think spending less than 1.5% of one season’s payroll on a utility player is in any way going to “kill a dynasty”, lmfao at you.
  21. Dubon would be the best SS on the roster for 9-10 teams and the starting 2B for another 3-4 teams. Pena is barely better. It’s not ideal if Dubon is your everyday CF, which is how he was used a lot last season. But he’s a good player.
  22. I recently watched Coco with my sweet, sensitive 5 year old daughter. This part came on and I look over at her and she had tears streaming down her face. Now I cry every time I hear it. I don’t think I’ve ever cried just from a song before.
  23. My wife’s need/desire to nag the fuck out of me is so strong, she came into the bathroom just now while I was having loud putrid diarrhea and stood there for a solid 5 minutes bitching about how the fucking robot vacuum couldn’t finish its job because I left my jeans on the bedroom floor. Fml.
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