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Snake Diggity

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Everything posted by Snake Diggity

  1. 3 things I would like to see someone pose to Trump: ”Donald, please recite your favorite prayer or bible verse.” ”Donald, please tell us the names of your grandchildren.” “Donald, please describe what an Allen wrench looks like.”
  2. And was convicted of fraud in NY based on testimony from Peter North.
  3. He replaced his cabinet member more often than I change socks. He won’t admit a mistake, he’ll just do it and talk about what a loser Vance is.
  4. Not keeping Blinken is a mistake. Replacing Austin probably would’ve happened even if Biden stayed.
  5. This is 99% of it. Blacks won’t turn out nearly as much for a ticket with a gay white dude on it. But also, Pete (who I think is potentially a legit genius, and at minimum the most gifted communicator I have ever seen) lacks the kind of governing experience typical of a POTUS/VP candidate. He’s never served in congress, he’s never been a governor, and he doesn’t have experience in an executive authority role in a large organization; being in the cabinet made it MUCH more reasonable to justify him on the ticket, but it would be loads better if he had been a governor or senator by now. But yeah, it’s the gay thing.
  6. Who will decide the election: Latinos in Arizona and Nevada Blacks in Atlanta and Detroit Yutes in Philly and Milwaukee and Charlotte
  7. Harris/Kelly major campaign event assignments: Detroit: Eminem and Gretchen Whitmer Atlanta: Beyoncé and Michelle Obama Philly: Taylor Swift and Josh Shapiro Milwaukee: George Clooney and Barack Obama Charlotte: Bruce Springsteen and Roy Cooper
  8. Pieces of shit that I would vote for over Trump: Harvey Weinstein Bill Cosby R Kelly Ellen DeGeneres Sean Combs On the other end, people I would NOT vote for over Trump: Steven A Smith Jake Paul Tucker Carlson Elon Musk Steve Bannon
  9. If Harris can win Georgia or Michigan or Pennsylvania by getting blacks or women to turn out, then she should be on the ticket. If a swing state governor or senator can win their state for certain, they should be on the ticket. This election is not about policy or governance, it is about winning the election. At this point I don’t see how Biden can win a single swing state outside of maybe PA.
  10. Good point. I take it back, fuck that analogy.
  11. What a waste of energy this comment is. There is 0% chance fatty’s dumb fucking ass will understand it. I have been thinking a lot about dumbfucks and what a problem they are. About how stupid motherfuckers nowadays are so firm in their belief that they have a valid opinion and that their voice deserves equal if not more volume in every conversation, regardless of topic and how little ability they have to comprehend the nuances involved. It makes me think of the movie Good Will Hunting. People love that movie because the hero literally and figuratively beats up on intellectuals without having to do much work. I figure most folks who vote for Trump probably know they’re not Will, but they might think they’re Ben Affleck’s character and that some dumbass shitbird like Trump or MTG or Charlie fucking Kirk is a real life Will Hunting. But in reality, the average Trump voter, including fatty, is most closely akin to the crackhead girl Will recognizes from juvee while he’s talking to Minnie Driver on the phone in jail, and there is no Will Hunting; there’s just Ben Affleck’s dumbass dressed in a ridiculous suit yelling “RETAINERRRR”.
  12. Definitely a risk. But I think her intellectual/cop background will take a back seat to the fact that at the end of the day, she is a black woman. I think she can reach black women in Atlanta, and that’s really all it’ll take.
  13. If Kamala is the nominee I think they have to go all in on her blackness. Black turnout in Atlanta, Detroit, and Philly could be the difference in the election. Trump has no path to victory without at least one of PA, MI, or GA. Biden steps down with grace, heads to PA to stump for Harris. Harris spends a shitload of time in ATL and Detroit. Cooper stays mostly in NC. The momentum carries over to NV and AZ. Harris/Cooper win with 319 EV.
  14. Shapiro does not have to be VP to help win PA, he can stump for Harris as Governor; same thing for Kelly in AZ. I think Cooper is the right pick. Cooper will help with religious moderates and possibly put NC in play. If they’re not gonna have Whitmer or Shapiro at the top of the ticket it’s gonna be white knuckle time in MI, WI, and PA anyway. I do think Kamala will get a bump over Biden in GA.
  15. If you are under immense pressure to seem sharp, and you go on BET for an interview and mix up Ketanji Brown with Sec Def Austin, you committed an unacceptable fuck up. It’s over, Joe.
  16. Didnt appeal to blacks, not moderate enough for never-Trumpers, not male enough for sexists.
  17. He seemed to hit well against their best opponents. 3-9 against Ok St, 4-5 against Aggy, 5-9 against UH, but he was 0-3 against Texas.
  18. My theory is that this has been the most empowered cabinet in a long time. I think Blinken has immense power and is basically the final say in almost all foreign policy decisions. Pete is being allowed to run Transpo as he sees fit. Jake Sullivan carries a lot of weight.
  19. I can’t believe Ugandan children wear crocs. Wtf
  20. Harris and a qualified VP from a swing state probably has the best odds of actually happening and actually beating Trump. That means a VP of Whitmer, Shapiro, Kelly, Evers, or Cooper. I can’t think of a qualified VP candidate from Georgia. It is just really hard for me to believe that this many prominent democrats would be coming out against Biden if it wasn’t a foregone conclusion that he won’t be the nominee.
  21. LOL “successful”, “upper”. No, guy. You’re fucking middle middle. You ain’t shit and you have FAR more in common with the poors you hate than the people you want making the rules. But I think I was wrong about you not being lucky. Being blissfully ignorant is pretty lucky.
  22. @fattyflattie isn’t lucky, he’s stupid. He’s a poor person who thinks he’s rich. He thinks he’s one of the people who benefit from gop tax policy, but he’s not. He’s a rube voting against his own interests.
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