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Everything posted by bullzak

  1. Again, a guy will go places with a hardon he would never go with just a machine gun.
  2. And I am all for stop routes but not as the sole foundation of your route tree.
  3. Understood but all that time OU kicked our ass their safeties never had to show their backs to our QB. Never. Just crowded the line so we could run or throw short passes into a stacked box. Predictably bad results. Way too easy to scheme unless you have witches at QB.
  4. Never understood why GDGD insisted on majority of stop routes. You have your receiver catch the ball with his back to the defense and then go from standing start and break tackles for YAC. Happens sometimes but not often enough. Crossing and hitting guys on the move seems like a much better base passing game.
  5. Actually if you're making the move Jax is the right one on paper. More draft capital and cap room than anybody in the NFL. Could be a quicker turnaround that people think if they nail some draft picks the next couple of years. Have to think Urban actually has control of that behind the scenes. If not they are probably fucked.
  6. Problem with the NFL is you cant always recruit another hot shit QB to take the place of the dog you have under center. If you overcommit to a guy who goes south you're screwed for years and everybody gets fired. See Philly and Carson Wentz. Cleveland and everybody until Baker. Jets and Sam Darnold. Tampa and Jameis Winston. Hopefully Chicago and Mitch Trubiski. List goes on and on.
  7. I can attest Illinois is a shitshow. In running for worst governor in the nation. Even though seniors and LTC account for the majority of deaths they are accounting for something like 3% of vax. Meanwhile 30 year old hospital researcher working remotely is first in line. Go ahead and tell me that is all about public health.
  8. Believe it was Mike Deal, and yes they were really strong. Not sure whatever happened to him.
  9. Insofar as your team is in a championship game, no.
  10. I look at football as part of the marketing arm of the university. Its a chance to show tangible excellence on a broad scale. What we have shown over the last decade in football is mediocrity. It takes some shine off other endeavors. If the BMD are willing to try to fix that I just dont get the problem. A lot of these same people donate a ton to the university outside of football. They want excellence across the board. Dont see what is wrong with that.
  11. If you really believe in the direction the program is heading you HAVE to say that or you have said nothing. What CDC really said is mediocrity is better than nothing. Shit put it on a bumper sticker.
  12. Cant believe he didn't get shot dead right there. Unbelievable
  13. Are we really going to hire some nobody? Next you're going to tell me there is no Santa Claus. Fuck 2020
  14. Five kills in one day. Pretty, pretty good. Right Stuff on tap tonite. We could use a little more of what he had for sure.
  15. Put me in the camp this makes way too much sense for Texas not to completely fuck it up. Too bad because if we decided just THIS ONE TIME to take no prisoners, Texas would rock. But we are a "public ivy" Cal Berkeley wannabe, so alas, not happening.
  16. https://www.texastribune.org/2020/06/16/texas-coronavirus-spike-young-adults/ One of the areas of concern Abbott mentioned was Hays County, where 476 of the 938 confirmed cases are people ages 20 to 29. People in their 20s accounted for 50.7% of all the cases in Hays County as of Monday,
  17. Sounds like a slice of heaven you should call whatever you want.
  18. And people say there is no civil discourse anymore. Death from COVID is down 90% from the May peak. The case spike is worth watching for sure, but it does not translate into ICU, vents, and death the way it did in March. This may be because the new cases are skewing younger and potentially because the virus is weakening. Of course no one knows. My point is that people need to be a little more skeptical of the panic porn folks and look at what is happening more broadly in the US with respect to the most important stat and that is death from this thing.
  19. Somebody wants to tell me how many people were infected as of March 15 then I will start paying attention to current cases and change rates to that. Obviously cant be done because almost no one could get a test then. We are finding it because we are testing at a level that never happened in any nation during the peak. Some of the testing is [gasp] focused on vulnerable populations like nursing homes, prisons, hospitals, meat packing. Deaths and ICU are way down. If that holds, then the virus can be said to be acting like other coronas and waning in the summer. Lets see if there is a round 2 in the fall.
  20. Old man grew up on 55,000 acres near Miami. No running water until he was 17. Turned out to be a stones throw from Boone Pickens' place. Texas Monthly ran an article about ranches once and said for the big ones you need a better measurement. So a ranch might be 2.5 RI units. RI = Rhode Island.
  21. Well, for deciding how we stand currently all cases aren't alike. There is all kinds of (hopefully unintentional) BS going on with the case numbers. Some states are counting old cases as current, some are mixing AB with Covid, etc. Admissions, ICU, death. Those are the only semi-reliable numbers IMO. If you test 100 and get 10 positives that's one thing. You test a 1000 and get 20 you certainly have more cases. MSM is running with the case number with no ability or willingness to add some context. The problem is even three months ago there was almost no testing baseline at all so comparisons that far back dont mean a lot.
  22. There are people saying that's exactly what is happening. You have to see daily admits to really know. Not sure how many states are keeping accurate data on that.
  23. In the old days there wasn't a mumps vax. Got the rubella and measles vax. Guess they figured redundant in old folks. Anyway this MMR thing is really interesting.
  24. Very interesting. Would like to know any safety issues with giving this to us old farts who haven't had the MMR. I assume its a very low risk item since we have been giving it to kids for 50 years.
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