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Everything posted by Brandywine

  1. She is beautiful, gorgeous. Good actress too. Loved her in High Fidelity and Kimi.
  2. Totally agree. He was clueless which is why he was on twitter so much. He spent more time getting his hair fixed in the morning than he did running the country.
  3. Have to add The Birdcage, though that’s really more Nathan Lane, Robin Williams and Hank Azaria. But Hackman was great in makeup and a dress.
  4. 2 of the most pathetic ignorant so called humans on earth. They’re vapor, worthless. They offer nothing regarding human decency and they have zero intelligence. Every person in their district should be embarrassed to have them represent them.
  5. Wrong. Trump did everything he could to support Putin during his four years and is also now praising Putin for his actions. Trump is nothing but a traitor and should be treated as such. He’s loving this.
  6. No way that idiot should be running as dog catcher.
  7. It’s long. I agree with Neonmoon (my favorite country song btw). I found myself screaming at the tv, “how are you letting her get away with this????!!! Are you that stupid?”
  8. I love Abbot Elementary. My wife was a teacher for over 30 years and she said this show is spot on.
  9. My favorites on PBS, Grantchester and Professor T.
  10. So far this season is bad. I’m still hanging in there but it’s gone downhill for me. And I never cared for Chuck but at least he was fun to watch, not now. The whole show right now is a mess.
  11. Yep, I’m sure they’re asking Huffines the hard questions.
  12. Love it! Can't stand the Packers.
  13. He’s the Trump of NFL team owners.
  14. The Jerry Jones playoff curse continues.
  15. Which one is Bristol Palin in that conference room photo with all the women?
  16. Trump's constant pounding of the Big Lie, or, the Big Grift, reminds me of when he stated Obama wasn't born in the US. He would not let it go, and even got Melania saying it. He will pound this lie to death until he gets his way, whatever that is. It worked before by getting millions of people to believe it, and he's using the same playbook to make it happen again with this election fraud bs. Man, I wish he would go away!!!!!!!!!! The harm and destruction this one single individual is doing to our country is unbelievable.
  17. By far one of the most entertaining series this year.
  18. I thought Jimmy was suppose to be in Texas like 6 months.
  19. Fine. Let ‘Em get sick and die for their stupidity. One less conservative who will vote for Trump.
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