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Everything posted by Brandywine

  1. Probably been discussed already, but no wonder teachers are leaving. Are we going to start having 20-30 parents telling the teacher how and what to teach each of their children now? So the parents are going to be the boss over teachers? This is all a coordinated effort by the GOP to get states to pull money from public schools and give to parents so they can send their children to private Christian schools. They’ve been working on this for 30+ years. The GOP blame the Dems for taking over our country, I’m afraid it’s the other way around. And the Reps are winning.
  2. Fandango Lone Star No Country for Old Men Viva Max! (for fun) Lonesome Dove Last Picture Show Giant and The Alamo (John Wayne)
  3. I am loving this series. I can’t believe only one more episode for the season because there is so much to wrap up.
  4. It is if you listen to Fox News, Alex Jones, MTG, Boobert, Cruz, Hawley and Trump, Sr and Junior. And most of my neighbors who say Dems are all Communist. If that’s your tribe and your news information, then yes, it’s ALL JOE’S FAULT!
  5. Right!!!!!! They’ll get away with anything because of all the dragging it out that is going on.
  6. That movie looks fun. I was 18 and that brings back lots of great memories.
  7. What a very sad, sad person Trump is. He’s got major mental issues.
  8. $10,000 a day? It should be $1,000,000 a day to get his attention. Won’t matter though, he’ll just get the GQP to pay the fine.
  9. Yes, and then when a reporter did it to her, Pete Sessions had to rescue her because she felt like she was being bullied.
  10. It just pisses me off that we have such dumb people in districts voting these people into government because of made up soundbites. They do absolutely nothing to promote good. Baby Trumpers.
  11. I would say she is the stupidest person in Congress right now, but there is a long line of them on the GQP side that are fighting for that honor. Including the woman who said Trump captured Osama Bin Ladin at the recent Trump rally. Where these idiots get their questioning ideas is beyond me.
  12. You’re spot on. The constant movie and sports references is tiring. It would be one thing if only a few of the characters mentioned them but every one does. Not real. And Chuck is on a constant revenge tour on everyone he personally hates. Is that all the AG does? Wait! I live in Texas and that is all our AG does.
  13. Man that was bad. And worse it was to Tech.
  14. Once she's confirmed for a lifetime appointment, she should go up to Lindsey and kick him in "HIS" vagina.
  15. The next thing he'll call her is "honey" or "dear".
  16. The Republican Party has fully regressed to the 1930's and 50's thinking. If interracial marriage was left to the states, I would not be surprised that Greg Abbott and his minions would be against it and it would be made illegal by the Republican controlled Texas Legislature.
  17. Children of a Lesser God (my favorite title of a movie) Accidental Tourist The Big Chill and yes, too young to leave us. Great actor.
  18. Let me tell you Donald Jack Butt, you never got anything either that wasn’t handed to you. Worthless piece of dirt.
  19. I just saw it and thoroughly enjoyed it. I especially like Robert Pattinson as Batman, even better than Christian Bale. The movie was slow at times, especially toward the end which seemed to drag on forever. Even the wife kept saying "are we getting closer to wrapping it up?" I have to say I loved Zoe as Catwoman, damn she's so good looking, a perfect 10. I just looked forward to every moment she was on screen. I hope she's in all the rest of them.
  20. And that stupid idiot is representing Texas in the US Senate.
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