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Everything posted by Brandywine

  1. I went to the CNN homepage and there were 11 articles on Trump in some form. 1, maybe, on Biden/Harris. This is going to be 2016 all over again. Granted most of Trump’s articles were not positive but still that gets his name out there because most people don’t read the articles. They just see his name over and over.
  2. Where is Biden? All I see is Trump, Trump, Trump, who’s in his element now, campaigning for 60 plus days. Now he has an excuse for not working.
  3. I believe people in this country have short term memory, plus Trump has set the bar so low with his chaos and lies. People don’t dig deep and research the truth. They believe what they’ve been raised to believe, such as blacks don’t work and are lazy. Trump’s lies start running together and over time appear meaningless. He’s a master at smoke and mirrors. It’s concerning.
  4. You’re right. But know, I’m not saying we should believe like them or be like them and I don’t support their criminal or racist attitudes. I just wish we could create a simple message that grabs like them. And, I think we can be weak in that area and how we come across. They are better at it.
  5. And get away with it. I’m a Democrat and Dems are weak when it comes to getting away with “Trump and Republican level type crap”. We’re so afraid we’re going to do or say the wrong thing or hurt someone’s feelings.
  6. It’s Bizarro World in Trumpland. All the Trump children and their wives, girlfriends or husbands are just doing what they need to do to keep the gravy train going.
  7. A little bit of Eva Peron and Adolf H impressions.
  8. People on the right look like they just got arrested. Must be the employees of the Trump WH.
  9. What a crock. Role model for their kids? They’re all nuts. But I do believe Trump does represent who they are and what they have become.
  10. I’m so in!!!!!’ Looks great!
  11. Man, Melania screwed up the rose garden. They should be kicked out of the WH for that alone.
  12. So Tim Scott is the token black that everyone will want to have their picture taken with to prove they’re not racist?
  13. There is nothing I care to see at the RNC convention, especially Trump’s acceptance speech which will be one long lie.
  14. It’ll be the darkest speech since . . . His last 100 speeches or at least his inauguration speech which made me want to kill myself afterwards. If Stephen Miller has anything to do with it then it will make Hitler proud.
  15. That was funny. Kushner is in charge of EVERYTHING. My god if his father-in-law did 10% of the work Jared supposedly is in charge of . . . Well, that’ll never happen.
  16. I just saw on MSNBC, The Reid Out, talking about missed opportunities at the convention. This election Dem message should talk more about picking Judges especially Supreme Court. Pound it and pound it. I guarantee it will be talked about next week at the RNC gathering, its part of their long term strategy. Dems get so into “well you didn’t pick my candidate so I’m not voting.” Or Progressive purity. Ridiculous. Joe and Kamala are what we got so get over it.
  17. After listening to Michelle and Barack I miss an adult in the White House.
  18. He’s mentally ill. What happened to the curtesy of each party staying behind the scenes during the other party’s convention? Flown out the window by this dipshit of a President.
  19. What do we have to lose under 4 more years of Trump? How about Social Security.
  20. You’ll never change a Trumpkin or Republican’s mind. They’ll always come back that blacks are lazy, Trump saved the economy and what about those tax cuts? And the Dems are Satan that want to open our borders and release the murdering Mexicans into our country, give all our money away and take our guns. It’s the same Crap they’ve been saying for years. It’s in every ad being run by a Republican candidate and it’s stuck. It’s best to just move on.
  21. CNN and MSNBC. Pisses me off too. I just noticed SizzleChest said the same thing. I was really angry at Joe and Mika for giving so much air time to Don during the campaign, because I guess they thought he would never be elected. Plus the American people couldn’t be that stupid. And now look where we are. Presidential politics is all about personality. The Dems still believe it’s about who’s more qualified. And every now and then those 2 come together, Obama and Bill Clinton for example.
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