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Everything posted by Brandywine

  1. I’d really like to know what Don considers Fair and Balanced in his fantasy universe.
  2. WOW, what the hell happened? That is just crazy. How do they sleep at night?
  3. Man, he acted pissed. And you know, Seth was right on.
  4. I’d be surprised if he even mentions his brother.
  5. Sad that that’s all Mike Pence could think about to put her in her place. He’s poor at telling jokes.
  6. Trump is by far the laziest most incompetent President the United States has ever seen. He doesn’t deserve the salary he claims he’s not taking. He owes the US for putting up with him and his family for 3 1/2 years.
  7. Fox needs to fire her on the spot.
  8. That’s a threat. Arrest her ugly ass.
  9. I think it was smart of Joe to pick Kamala. She’s a good speaker and smart. She’s a good balance.
  10. God this campaign is going to be ugly.
  11. I hate Tucker more and more everyday.
  12. Ummmmm, so you think more people will vote for him if they know he’ll only be in one term? Or THINK he’ll only be in one term?
  13. If he announces he’s a one term President then he’s a lame duck going in. His whole time in office will be about who the next President will be.
  14. I agree. Before we talk re-election how about getting elected the first time?!!!
  15. Absolutely! I saw where gun sales are going up again with the idea Biden might win. Gotta get them now before it’s too late. It’s the same thing over and over and over again. So tired of it.
  16. Clever nicknames is all they know how to do. So juvenile and immature.
  17. So what do you think? Not sure about the ending wrap up.
  18. I guarantee if SS and Medicare go south because of Trumps actions as well as the national debt going skyrocket, also because of his actions, Biden will be blamed, if elected, by the Reps for the next 4 years. That’s just how they operate.
  19. The day Trump becomes President will never happen. He is in name only. And sad, if what is said is true, it took him almost 4 years to happen.
  20. Pick Harris as VP and Rice as Sec of State. Best of both worlds.
  21. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/president/ Trump knows the only way he’s going to win is the EC. I can’t believe he will get the popular vote. Yet, he hasn’t grown voters beyond his base. I don’t understand his Campaign strategy beyond bullying and belittling. Plus, he has given no vision for a second term beyond same o, same o.
  22. Now if we could just get Biden to say it like that, only simpler, without giving the Trump campaign fuel to use against him.
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