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Everything posted by Brandywine

  1. There are a lot of things the Republicans blamed Obama for, or falsely accused him of, that they are now looking the other way when Trump actually does them. Such hypocrites.
  2. Been listening on the car radio and going in and out this morning. It seems the reps plans are the appearance of total chaos - to make it look like this is ALL out of control. Argue, demand breaks, interrupt, talk over . . . Trump and Stephen Miller must have designed the planning for this. It may work.
  3. All I care about is why in the hell isn't Texas in this discussion? After 3 years, Tom, get your shit together or leave. The clock is ticking and the natives are restless. You’re being paid a whole lot more money than you’re worth. If you think you’re worth it, show it.
  4. I wish I could have given you 20 reps.
  5. It’s just a really, really weird family. They’e no Obama family.
  6. Never: Vertigo North by Northwest The Godfather 2 (perfect movie) Remake: The recent version of The Alamo. Do the Ron Howard “R” rated version. I like John Hancock and most of his movies but he really blew it on this one, IMHO. As corny as John Wayne’s film was, at least it had emotion and made you feel for the heroes.
  7. That lawyer guy’s been around Trump to much. Look how big that signature is.
  8. Trump knows who the whistleblower is. He’s the frickin President.
  9. wow, that looks awesome. The visuals are incredible.
  10. Had Hillary been elected all this would be 20 times worse by the Republicans. They have lost all ability to govern sanely. They’ve lost ALL ABILITY TO GOVERN. Period. The House has passed 400 bills that are setting on Mitch’s desk gathering dust, and Trump is saying nothing is being done. Look in the mirror.
  11. Had the shoe been on the other foot the Republicans would have been like mangy ugly attack dogs (which they really already kind of are). When the Senate gets through, the American people will start to believe it was the Dems who made the call to the President of Ukraine and committed the crime.
  12. I like him. Never cared for Beck. He had bad mojo when he got here.
  13. It’s starting to get weirder and I’m getting more confused. I’m beginning to feel like I need to be a true fan of the comics to understand the characters and their past to know what’s going on.
  14. Plus he benefited from Sarah Palin before him, everyone knew he didn’t know anything and had no concept or grasp of the complexities of the office he was running for. The bar was really, really low for him. He just had to be his charming self. No problem - he’ll learn on the job.
  15. All I know is this year Baylor had one of the best defenses I’ve seen. Why didn’t Texas have that?
  16. Charlie Strong needs to stay away from Texas.
  17. It was good. Ana de Armas, who is hot and a pretty good actress, will be in the new Bond movie with Daniel Craig. Lucky dude.
  18. Not the longest but worth mentioning. Mr. Rogers, 912 episodes, 1968-2001. Also, John Aniston, Jennifer’s father, 2384 episodes of Days of Our Lives. And still counting.
  19. It was a great series. The ending made me feel that at some point there may be a continuation of some direction. Probably not. But overall it was well done. The people at the end coming into the portal to the Nazi world was strange. Why? Unless they were people who had left to go to the regular world and where coming back.
  20. You know he’s lying because he opened his mouth and words came out. He does not know how to tell the truth. He lives in a bizarro world of his own making because he’s way over his head and that’s how he stays in control.
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