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Everything posted by SpiralOut

  1. If we're just gonna ground out on first pitches all night, Gallen is going to pitch a CG.
  2. Sweat. Sweat. Sweat. Sweat. Please can we fucking get some hits this inning.
  3. It's sweaty, but Nate is getting the job done.
  4. Step on the sneks tonight. No mercy. Give them no hope. LFG!!
  5. Never doubted it for a second! Let's get that last win baby!
  6. With this pitching staff? Absolutely do not blame him. Win the game, go up 3-1, series is almost a complete lock.
  7. Well at least he got one out. Small miracles and shit.
  8. For real. He's looked awful this postseason. Turns in a gem in Game 4 of the Series like a fucking boss.
  9. Yeah, turns out all the umps have the same eye disorder.
  10. Rangers at home: I sleep. Rangers on the road: The Rangers are out there! They can't be bargained with, can't be reasoned with, they don't feel pity or remorse or fear. And they will absolutely not stop, EVER, until you are dead!
  13. This Walker guy is having a fucking bad WS.
  14. 2nd pitch...i think First pitch in our hearts.
  15. Man never met a first pitch he didn't want to skull fuck into oblivion.
  16. Look how nice things are when the bottom of the lineup does things.
  17. Semien got a hit! It might be our fucking night, boys!
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