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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Eastwood

  1. This shit ain’t free, y’all. You’re going to have to get a little stressed to enjoy the glory of sending aggy home from the CWS to extend their winless streak.
  2. If A&M doesn’t start warming up their bullpen soon, the 3rd inning is going to explode.
  3. I’ll take that inning. Made the pitcher work hard and put one on the board. He’ll really start to fray in the 3rd.
  4. In 15 minutes you guys will be passed out drunk, so I'll just sum it up this way as fast as I can that this is the most humiliating thread in the last fucking 10 years that I've been involved with on Longhorn message boards. How the fuck can you be worried about playing Texas A&M?! How can you do that? What the fuck is that about?!
  5. Or Pence because of COVID. Or Gore because of heart issues. I think Obama is the last president since maybe Carter that didn’t have a near death experience while in office.
  6. This political jousting with our energy security is exhausting, pointless, and dangerous. We need both. We need both to work well. We need both to be reliable. We need to be open to maximizing the efficiencies of both. We need to work on minimizing the environmental impact of both. Both. Not one or the other. This isn't a winner take all cage match. For energy security and stability, we need both.
  7. Sounds like it is circling back and getting the rest of those who didn't get it. Lot of first timers in my circle.
  8. Hard to make a case to shut-in at $7.
  9. This being on ESPNU is horseshit. Totally screws out the fans who don’t sub to their total package. They could either bump sportscenter or bury the Texas game. Nobody watches sportscenter anymore, anyways.
  10. If we're talking the 2009 BC game, I was in the second row behind home team dugout struggling because I showed up just in time for first pitch after floating the Comal twice. Went from drunk to hungover well inside of Austin Wood's no-hitter, but the hangover cleared when we got out of the inning even though his no-hitter was broken up. Spent the rest of the night slamming water and made it all the way to the win. Pretty sure I'd die if I tried that now. Youth is wasted on the young.
  11. Sports in North Carolina in June seems like they suck.
  12. OU advances and is slated to face aggy. Break out the Team Meteor shirts.
  13. It’s the response from a fan of a school with no traditions or history. The Eyes means something because they have bookended some of the most historic sporting events in college sports history. Can’t expect someone from ECU to understand that.
  14. Fixed that for Surly. What was once one of the best features of this community became its worst with a bunch of one liner dipshits trying to one-up each other on hyperbole and stupid takes. No relevant analysis, insight, or even a basic, coherent opinion on any game.
  15. Nat Gas taking a hit due to the Freeport LNG explosion. Initial impact on demand is supposedly 2 Bcf/d. No timeline on when it’ll be back or even how much damage was done.
  16. Correct. That’s Duck Dynasty territory. Worked with folks from Ruston. Way more “get’er done” than laissez le bon temp rouler.
  17. Yeah, recession becomes a huge buying opportunity on the front end. Demand destruction and tanked commodity prices and then demand severely outpaces supply because we can’t just turn on the tap and fire back up. That’s what is playing out right now, with your typical dash of international instability. Such is the cycle until we finally hit peak demand.
  18. Really fucking tired of this argument. If you aren’t willing to roll out of bed, put on the uniform, punch into work, and patrol your area with not only the realization, but the expectation, that any random day will be the day that you need to step in and risk your life to save others, then you shouldn’t be a cop. Period. Full stop. Don’t beat society over the head for the last 4 years about how selfless cops are and how much they are risking and how much their families sacrifice and then create hypotheticals about the how and why sitting outside of a building full of dying children to wait for the best opportunity to intervene was the better option. Children died mere yards away from their parents who were cordoned off by armed, armored police officers. Dying in a building filled with other children who were still living and breathing. Children who could still be saved. Explain that to me. Don’t explain the nuances of the job to me. Explain to me, as a concerned citizen with elementary school-aged children, who had to explain to his first grader on his walk to school this morning that 19 children died in their classroom but he is somehow safe from the same fate, how these chain of events happened. Explain to me how a town of 16,000 has their own tactical team HQed less than two miles away from an active shooter murdering children and still can’t clear that threat in less than 10 minutes. Explain it to me.
  19. Rolling the tape back, Abbott wouldn’t even look Beto in the eye. He just started fumbling with his notes and frantically turning pages.
  20. Getting a serious 2011 Blast Furnace vibe from this weather. It’s never going to rain again.
  21. I now think the reason Russia hasn’t dropped one as a show of force, or even tested on their own soil, is because their greatest fear is that they try to do it and it fizzles or just outright doesn’t detonate at all. Straight up North Korea style. It is now laid bare for the world to see that Russia’s only claim to power is its nuclear arsenal. If that becomes a legitimate open question, Russia no longer exists.
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